
The capture of the Far East in Russia. The US has come up with a new "special operation" for China

American politicians believe that it is time to prepare for war with nuclear countries. Russia can be a confrontation on Earth, and with China - aircraft carrier groups and fleet. But there is an alternative to establish the invasion of the Chinese army in the Russian Federation. The United States should prepare for the simultaneous war with China and Russia.

Washington will have to expand military forces, strengthen alliances and modernize nuclear weapons, according to a 145-page report of the US Congress Congress Strategic Planning Commission. The US nuclear arsenal is able to contain the combined forces of Russia and China: its composition allows you to control enough enemy goals. Americans, together with the allies, should be ready to defeat enemies at one point, the authors of the report indicate.

"Authoritarian regimes of China and Russia are threatening international order, headed by the United States. Chinese and Russian threats in 2027-2035 will become even more acute. The decision must be made now that the nation is ready," the report said. Priority is given to the 30-year program of modernization of US nuclear weapons, which was started in 2010. Other recommendations include an increase in tactical nuclear weapons in Asia and Europe.

Americans are also advised to invest in defense, despite the "budget realities". "China will reach the US parity in deployed nuclear warheads by the mid-2030s, if it continues to expand its nuclear arsenal at such a pace," the document reads. According to the reports of the Federation of American scientists, the US has 3708 nuclear warheads, and in Russia more than 4000. Inventories of China are about 410 warheads.

A high -ranking source of Reuters, familiar with the report preparation process, refused to confirm whether the US intelligence knew about China and Russia's cooperation in nuclear weapons. The United States allow two wars because there may be "maximum coordination mentioned countries," the interlocutor said. Republicans are most likely to use a report on strategic planning commissions as political weapons against President Joe Biden, said one of the assistants of senators.

"The stated and desirable policy of the administration is not really in line with the truly dangerous times we live in," he said. Planning to counteract threats and challenges, is fully fits into the work of the US National Security, says Focus expert of the Center for Defense Strategies Alexander Hara. "Russia and the US are two states that own the largest nuclear weapons reserves. Together they have more .

China has not been the role of a "quiet player" lately and promotes as an antithesis of the states, "the expert explained. Two fronts will require a tremendous amount of resources. Most likely, there will be a ground confrontation with Russia, and with China - the war of aircraft carrier groups and fleet, says Alexander Hara. The military expert of the Institute of Euro-Atlantic Cooperation, Igor Koziy, is convinced that Russia's issue is practically resolved, in particular thanks to Ukraine.

Despite this, the US defense and industrial complex needs to be strengthened, he added. "States will not fight for two fronts. There will be only one with China. The issue of the Far East and the Russian territories in the region remains open. Historically, this is China's lands, so the option of conducting an operation to invade the Chinese army in the Russian Federation is not excluded. Russia lies in China.

No one cancels the strengthening of the US defense sector, "the expert commented on the focus. Koziy considers it necessary to strengthen the grouping of the American armed forces in the Indo-Pacific. Russia's threats of nuclear weapons should not be taken seriously. "Probably in the United States there are secret technologies for laser weapons. It will knock Russian nuclear missiles at the initial take -off.

Nuclear Energy Expert from the Carnegie Foundation "For the International Peace," Ankit Panda in Time, talks about the excessive focus of the Congress commission on the threat to the Russian Federation and China. "If you follow all these recommendations, the states will soon go to the stage of the new arms race. The US does not need to increase nuclear forces to successfully restrain the competitors," he said.

The tools of the US authorities can be reasonable restraint and diplomacy with the Russian Federation and China, adds Vice president of the Global Nuclear Policy Program of the Analytical Center "Lynn Rasten Initiative to Remove Nuclear Threat". Recall that on October 11, Russia accused the United States of preparing nuclear weapons testing at Nevada. It is likely that if the United States and the Russian Federation take nuclear tests, then China will join them.