
Threat of the environment: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation entered the rear of Ukrainian military in Avdiivka - expert (video)

The occupiers can be struck by the Zenit fortress, which has been prepared since 2014. The Russians tried to storm him for ten years, said military expert Dmitry Snegirev. The armed forces of the Russian Federation entered the rear of Ukrainian fighters in Avdiivka of Donetsk region. Military expert Dmitry Snegirev stated that the situation in the city had intensified. He reported it on the air of "Espresso".

"The situation has intensified, fighting in the residential building of Avdiivka is taking place," Dmitry Snegirev said. He noted that the fighting continues in the area of ​​Soborna and Chernyshevsky streets. Snegirev noted that the invaders entered the rear of the Armed Forces and became entrenched in the city building. As a result, the defense forces are forced to accumulate their operational reserves to localize the enemy's breakthrough.

The main threats facing the defenders are the possibility of a flank blow to the Zenit fortress. The expert recalled that he has been preparing since 2014, the enemy tried to storm him unsuccessfully for ten years.

The tactical maneuver of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was that the hostile unit of the special forces used a drainage pipe to two kilometers to enter the operational rear of the Ukrainian group and to create a threat to both flank blows and the operational environment of individual units of defense forces.

The military expert noted that the Russians took into account the mistakes of their previous operations, in particular in Mariupol, when the Azovstal and the plant named after them were stormed in the forehead. Illich. He believes that Ukrainians could have calculated that the occupiers would storm Koksokhim, but the opposite occurred - the flank coverage of the positions of defense forces. From one flank, the enemy bypasses Steppe, Berdychi to go to the swallow - to the so -called "road life".

While on the other, an industrial avenue, where the Armed Forces rotation, the transportation of BC and the evacuation of the wounded. The expert noted that the Bakhmut scenario was actually repeated, which began with the enemy of control over the locations of defense forces - roads at the time of Yar and others. Then there was an actual shaking of the Armed Forces operative reserves that were required for counter -offensive.

According to him, the distance from the "road of life" to the leading positions from 900 meters to a kilometer. "The situation is difficult, but not critical, as they try to draw, and requires difficult decisions. Most likely, the question of the possibility of removing the Armed Forces from the Avdiivka area to pre -prepared positions will be," he said.

Snegirev is convinced that the maintenance of Avdiivka will testify to the adoption of a political rather than a military decision on the further nature of the fighting in the area. We will remind, on February 9 the head of the Avdiiv City Military Administration Vitaliy Barabash reported that the enemy had entered the outskirts of Avdiivka. According to him, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation try to realize their plans for the city's environment from the flanks from the south and north.