
Prepare for war or riots? Chinese companies create volunteer armies - CNN

The Chinese regime faces a number of problems with falling real estate market to unemployment among young people. Therefore, the army can support social order or assist the army during hostilities. Chinese companies began to create their own armies of volunteers, as it was in the 1970s. About it reports CNN. Journalists have analyzed reports in the Chinese media and found at least 16 large companies that have created their own combat forces over the last year.

Units are called departments of the People's Armed Forces and consist of civilians, which will act as reserve or auxiliary forces for the People's Liberation Army. Their tasks will be from eliminating the consequences of natural disaster to help in "supporting social order" and supporting during the war. The publication states that these forces have more in common with the National Guard in the United States than with the Open Movement, which belongs to private paramilitary organizations.

According to Chinese laws, men aged 18 to 35 can join such units. Women also have the right to join, but the age category is not indicated for them. According to analysts, the creation of volunteer armies is a testament to Beijing's concern for potential fighting or social unrest through the fall of the economy. It is possible that it is also part of the efforts of Xi Jinping to strengthen the control of the Communist Party over society, including the corporate sector.

"Corporate militias under military leadership can help the Communist Party more effectively suppress social unrest, such as consumers 'protests and workers' strikes," said Nile Thomas, a Chinese policy researcher at the China's Analysis Center for Asian Policy Institute. It is noted that despite the growth of the economy by 5. 2% in 2023, China faces challenges: in the Hong Kong organization China Labor Bulletin, which specializes in tracking protests in the PRC in the PRC, protests.