
Can hit Ukraine: NYT explained why the Russian Federation started nuclear military exercises

According to journalists, training is conducted against the background of whether Western countries should interfere with conflict more decisively to help the Ukrainian military. Starting nuclear training, Russia has sent a clear reminder that it could use this weapon against Ukraine. About it writes New York Times. It is reported that the video published by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation shows how a column of military equipment moves the wooded road.

You can also see Iskander mobile missile systems that take positions to run with "blurry" warheads. "This is an obvious attempt by nuclear coercion," said Jeffrey Lewis, a nuclear non -proliferation expert at Middlebury International Research Institute. "They even blurred the warhead on the Sparkard ballistic missiles, which seems unnecessary but theatrical," he said.

The material states that, unlike strategic nuclear weapons, which runs from long distances and is able to destroy entire cities, tactical nuclear warheads are intended for use on the battlefield. Yes, they are triggered to hit limited goals at relatively short distances.

The publication writes that training is conducted against the background of whether Western countries should interfere with conflict decisively to help the Ukrainian military who have faced a shortage of ammunition and personnel, as well as delayed US assistance.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that during the exercises the Russian military worked out the loading of "special" warheads on the "Iskander" systems, as well as a secret movement of them to the position for launch. During the exercises, the servicemen also worked out the loading of warheads from the planes. Earlier it was reported that "nuclear" training was started in the Russian Federation. The measures will take two stages.