
In order not to send your second son to war: which category of the population will be able to get a defer from mobilization

The Verkhovna Rada has generally adopted a bill, which grants the right to defer from mobilization to military personnel who have died or disappeared close relatives. The constitutional majority of deputies voted in favor. The conscripts whose close relatives have died or disappeared during participation in hostilities during martial law will be entitled to defer from conscription during mobilization.

The constitutional majority of the People's Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine voted in the basis and as a whole, the People's Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, reports the People's Deputy, member of the deputy faction of the political party "European Solidarity" Alexei Goncharenko. "For - 309 (as a basis); 310 (in general)! Unanimously! Constitutional majority!", - said Alexei Goncharenko. The Law No.

11391 proposes to provide a deferral from conscription during mobilization for military personnel whose close relatives, including a native (full, dislike) brother or sister, died or disappeared during participation in hostilities. military service during mobilization. The explanatory note states that the purpose of the bill is to provide a delay from conscription for military service during mobilization.

"Families who have appealed to amend the mobilization law by returning the removed norm believe that sending the second son to the war when the first was killed, it is over their forces," the document said. We will add that during the discussion of the bill, critical and reasoned comments and wishes for the validity of the initiatives that defend the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff were sounded.