
Negotiations of Ukraine and the Russian Federation: Germany considers the situation at the front victory of Kiev - Bild

According to analyst Julian Repke, Berlin is convinced that the current state of affairs can serve as the basis for Ukraine's negotiations and future. Germany believes that the situation on the front is a victory for Ukraine, despite the modest results of the Counstitution of the Armed Forces in 2023. Kiev may be proud of the liberation of Kherson, Kharkiv region and northern regions from the invaders. The analyst of the German edition of Bild Julian Repke told about it.

Journalists noted that 2 weeks ago, Repk, together with the Minister of Defense of Germany Boris Pistorius, visited Kiev. Following this visit, he reported that the US and Germany want to persuade Ukraine to start negotiations with Russia. Now, in an interview with the deputy editor -in -chief of Bild, Paul Roncheimer said that in Berlin it is believed that the current state of affairs on the front is a kind of victory for Ukraine.

"I was surprised that they said that the current situation is actually a success for Ukraine. What is a kind of victory. What is a position that can serve as a basis for negotiations and future country. No longer needed to reach the Azov Sea, liberate Donetsk and Crimea," Said Repke. He noted that, compared to March 2022, much more territories were captured.

Now the forces of Ukraine's defense were able to liberate Kherson, hold a counter -offensive in the Kharkiv region, and expel Russians from the northern regions. "And we can say that it is a kind of victory and status quo that we can consider success. And we must do our best to look at it just as we are," the analyst said. We will remind that on November 29 in the Foreign Ministry called the Council of Ukraine - NATO another step towards the Alliance.

German Foreign Minister Annalen Berbok urged the world to work on the further expansion of the winter protective shield for Ukraine, since rocket strikes of the Russian Federation in 2023 became even more difficult and dangerous. The media also reported that the Armed Forces threaten the supply of fuel through the blockade of the Polish border. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the blockade threatens the automotive industry of Germany.