
The Russian Federation has placed antironous complexes in Ukraine, but they did not help: what did the Armed Forces do

There are two possible explanations for the inefficiency of equipment: the Armed Forces operators can change radio frequencies, which complicates the operation of the muffin, or "strength" is not sufficiently sensitive to detect and suppression of UAVs. The Russian military has placed complexes of radio interruption in Ukraine to break the connection between Ukrainian drones and their operators.

However, the Ukrainian army was able to disrupt several such systems with its own drones, notes in its material forbes. According to the media, in February 2022, Russia expanded its war against Ukraine and applied the world's most powerful forces of electronic wrestling: blocked radio signals, UAV detectors, automated obstacle control systems and hundreds of large and small radio electronic fighting systems.

However, over time, it turned out that the Russian EWS systems do not always work well in real combat, and some are effective and only at the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces. Thus, in February 2021, the Russian media wrote that the military with the help of a complex "Sylb" during the exercises near Orenburg managed to repel the attack of swarm of 10 drones, which imitated the attack on the team point.

However, in Ukraine, this system did not show itself for the best side: in early September 2022, this technique of the enemy was captured by soldiers of the 128th Separate Mountain Assault Brigade. They proved that the rosary of the Russians works only at the landfill. Moreover, in October 2022, the Ukrainian counterintelligence destroyed this station with a drone: the drone threw Russian bombs. Once again the newest Russian Reb was the victim of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces in May 2023.

Then the 54 OMB fighters also threw the enemy's technique of ammunition. Forbes writes that it is unclear why "Syl" cannot always suppress drones that hunt for him. Ukrainian drone operators may be interfering with Russian gluers, often changing radio frequencies. It is also possible that the "force" simply does not have sufficient sensitivity to detect the drone and power for its muffling. The mission of the complex is the radio suppression of drone control channels.

It is capable of performing tasks such as detecting, dialecting and analyzing signals of radio radiation sources over a wide range of frequencies, as well as suppression of enemy drones. "Sylum" automatically detects and molds the radio communication of drones at a distance of up to 2. 5 km. For inpatient defense, it is installed on a tripod. It can also move on a truck. There are two modifications of this Russian complex: "Syl-01" and "Syliv-2".

The integrated system of radio suppression "Sir-01" is intended for protection of control points from unauthorized penetration into the area of ​​action of radio-controlled aircraft. It automatically detects UAVs, determines their coordinates and suppresses them in the range of different working frequencies. For the first time, the complex system of suppression of drones was demonstrated at the Military-Technical Forum "Army-2018", which was held at the Sverdlovsky landfill in Yekaterinburg.

And "Sir-2" is able to automatically track the coordinates of the drone and allows you to create a barrier to the work of the drone-reconnaissance, as well as shock UAVs. We will remind, on January 10 the head of the direction of cooperation and partnership with the security and defense forces Brave1 Oleg Donets told how Ukraine to capture Russia in the field of ROB.