
The "knock out" of national minorities: the RF has decreased unemployment in regions with the highest losses - the media

In the Republic of Tuva, one in fifth working citizen was unemployed earlier. During the year, the region lost 450 people for every 100,000 people. As a result, the unemployment rate has fallen almost twice. In early September, the Russian army lost almost 4 thousand people of live force within one week. This number of losses corresponds to the complete destruction of the four brigade of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The Kremlin does not recognize the dead and even refuses to declare a new wave of general mobilization, - said Russian President Vladimir Putin. Experts analyzed the statistics of the dead in the Russian Federation and found that it has a certain feature. In particular, they saw a direct dependence with the number of unemployed in the regions where national minorities live. This was written on the portal "Important History".

Experts noted that in 2023 the unemployment rate in Russia was 3% - they noted that the lowest level since 1991. In 2022, the figure was 4. 2%, that is, the fall was 1. 2%. Falling by 1. 2% per year is an indicator among men. At the same time, women are 0. 9%. The among the leaders in the fall of unemployment and the number of dead the following regions: Tuva, Mari El, Buryatia, Komi, North Ossetia, Nenets district. It should be noted that all regions are the residence of national minorities.

The worst indicator is in the Republic of Tuva: 450 people were killed here for every 100,000 population, with more than 7% of unemployment (note that the estimated population in Tuva as of January 2023 - about 330 thousand people). The situation in the region is clearly visible on the infographic about the unemployment rate among men. In particular, in 2022 this figure was almost 17%, then in 2023 - 9. 5%.

As we can see, at the beginning of the invasion of the Russian Federation the unemployed was one in fifth, and in 2023 - every tenth Tuvinets of working age. The publication explains a similar effect of several factors, one of which is the involvement of Russians in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. First, Russian employment centers purposefully invited the unemployed Russians to conclude a contract in service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, each contractor was promised a salary of 300 thousand rubles. Thus, they provided the flow of "volunteers", which was mentioned by Russian President Vladimir Putin during one of his speeches. Secondly, people with the Russian Federation washed away migration as a result of the announcement of mobilization and war. According to some estimates, half a million people left the country.

Thirdly, migrants have stopped coming to Russia: in particular, the increase in migrants has decreased by 12 times, experts say. It should be noted that the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine suggests that the Kremlin plans to replenish the army with 400,000 Russians. Therefore, it is expected that the announcement of general mobilization is still possible.