
60% of the destruction of the invaders is due to drones: the Russian Federation tries to copy the inventions of Ukrainians (video)

Ukraine is ahead of the Russian Federation on technological innovation, and the occupiers have to copy it all about half a year delay, says Droneua co -founder Valery Yakovenko. Like any weapon today's drones on the front are also modified and "learn" to work with different types of ammunition. So it is not surprising that they are even equipped with cassette ammunition. This was announced in conversation with focus by businessman-engineer, co-founder of Droneua Valery Yakovenko.

It is the cassette bombs that are best suited for the defeat of a large amount of enemy's living power and this is a kind of indicator of one of the new areas of UAV in the war, the engineer notes. When we talk about the successes of the Armed Forces, it should be borne in mind that now more than 60% of all lesions of both armored vehicles and the living strength of the invaders is carried out precisely thanks to drones with different ammunition.

"And it is necessary to take into account that the use of drones is more economically advantageous as opposed to shells," Yakovenko emphasizes. "Today's drones have a high, even superhuman accuracy Quite a significant material component of artillery maintenance.

" Of course, such success of drones has so far fixed at a distance of 20 km, and artillery beats several times further, so a projectile hunger in the Armed Forces is really a big problem when it is necessary to hit the enemy in a long distance to protect yourself from losses by avoiding straight lines combat clashes. "However, there are more and more aircraft drones that have an increased flight range with the same combat part," the engineer emphasizes.

"That is, the mass evolution of UAVs occurs, which can work at a distance of 20 to 40 km. " According to Yakovenko, Ukraine is now ahead of the Russian Federation from technological innovations in UAVs, and the occupiers have to copy it in some way with a delay of at least half a year. Even if someone in Russia talks about the use of artificial vision technologies there, it is necessary to understand that it is already in Ukrainian drones.

The Droneua co-founder notes that the decision to pass Drons-Kamikadze Delair 100 from France is very useful for Ukrainian engineers. First, you can get something in technological aspects, and secondly, the manufacturer may dare to open the production of these drones in Ukraine. Recall that on February 26, French President Emmanuel Macron announced the creation of a coalition for the provision of medium and long range and bombs to Ukraine and called on Europeans to produce more.