
At the request of the authorities: in the Russian Federation they want to strengthen the tracking for the purchase of air tickets by citizens - Roszmi

Journalists claim that such actions are related to the desire to increase the level of security, in particular in the transport sphere. In the future, the authorities want to know the information about the method of payment of the ticket, luggage information and the IP address of the device from which the information was transmitted during the reservation.

In the Russian Federation, they intend to increase the list of information about the buyer of tickets for the aircraft, which the airlines will be obliged to provide the state. About it reports the Russian edition "Izvestia" with reference to sources to the aircraft market and in state structures.

Currently, the Centralized Automated Passenger Database, which is managed by FGUs of Zeschtinfotrans, is subordinate to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, mainly transmits the following personal data of passengers: in addition, the Russian authorities plan to receive additional information. For example: according to sources, there are currently no specific information about the new categories of information that will be transmitted to the authorities.

The official with whom the interview was conducted stressed that there is a discussion of such plans. In his opinion, estimates may be different, but such measures are probably taken to increase the overall security level, including security in the transport sphere, in these difficult times.

Rostekh press service, as well as other operators of Russian ticket reservation systems, stated that they work in accordance with the rules established by the state, and therefore, if the authorities ask for additional data, they will comply with these requirements. Recall that Russian invaders came up with a new method of collecting personal data of the inhabitants of Mariupol, forcing them to apply for the restoration of destroyed housing.