
"Rare sample": under the robotic forces of defense Zabrofeyl unique tank T-72B3 of the Russian Federation (video)

The Tank of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation fell into the hands of fighters of defense forces in a fully working condition. The onboard computer suggested that you need to add cooling fluid and then the armored vehicle is ready to beat the former owners. The forces of Ukraine's defense continue counter -offensive actions in the Zaporozhye region, trying to overcome the "Surovikin line" built by the Russians.

After the construction of these fortifications, Russian tanks began to appear less frequently on this front of the front. However, the fighters of the National Guard were able to "hug" the rare armored vehicle T-72BZ, which is called "Economy-Variant T-90m Breakthrough". The journalist Andriy Tsaplienko told about it in Telegram channel. The journalist indicated that the trophy was captured by the fighters of the 15th Kara-Dag Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine.

The scene is between the robots and Verbov in the Zaporozhye region. It is stated that it is a "fat trophy" that will fight on the side of the forces of defense and will now beat its previous owners. The trophy that was so pleased with the National Guard is a T-72B3 tank that has been upgraded in 2022. After that, he gained some characteristics that brought the old Soviet tank closer to the supernova T-90m "Breakthrough". The video posted by a journalist shows how specialized T-72BZ is specialized.

In particular, to the left of the mechanic's place is an onboard computer that monitors the technical condition of different systems. The role of new equipment in the Russian tank is evidenced by the experience of the National Guard. When the fighters tried to start trophy equipment, they did not succeed. However, they later paid attention to the inscription on the computer monitor: there "hung" a message that you need to add the coolant.

In conclusion, the journalist stressed that it is necessary to remember the ability of Russia to study: it will bypass sanctions and will be able to establish the release of hundreds of tanks "modernized to the modern level". We would like to remind that German analysts drew attention to the statement of one of the Russian leaders, who reported the release of T-80 tanks.

According to analysts, this indicates the workload of the available production of the T-72 and T-90 and the need for new armored vehicles that will be sent to battle in Ukraine. Meanwhile, it turned out that the Kremlin continues to avoid restrictions imposed by Western countries in some industries in the Russian Federation. In particular, the Swiss company was able to export 5 thousand tons of leaf copper through Turkey to Italy.