
Suicide Weapons: Why Russian Triton ROB System is dangerous for the occupiers themselves

Russian developers want to equip military backpacks with complexes to combat drones that can damage the health of carriers through head irradiation. The Russian army wants to equip backpacks with Triton systems to combat drones, but they pose a serious threat to the health and life of the military themselves. The focus details were explained by Ukrainian experts and manufacturers of similar means of radio electronic wrestling.

The Russian company "Laboratory for Combating Industrial Spy" (PPS) for the first time showed the Triton complex at the Army-2023 forum in August as the latest system of protection of tanks from percussion drones. In October, the developers brought to the Orelexpo 2023 exhibition in Moscow a new version of the complex - already for infantry.

It is made in the form of a backpack with a metal frame, which raises two modules behind the soldier's back, the creation of radio interruption LGS-608 (800 MHz) and LGS-609 (900 MHz). Both have a capacity of 30 watts and are equipped with antennas with a circular orientation chart, that is, they create a kind of "domes" that cover the space within a radius of 300 meters, including the carrier itself.

In addition, the portable complex "Triton" includes an antironous rifle LPD-801, which can be aimed at the soldier. The Laboratory of PPS claims that the new system has already passed state tests and has been transmitted for tests to the Russian military. It looks futuristic and can even work effectively against Ukrainian drones, but there is one important nuance - a harm to health.

The developers emphasize that the REB-backpack is intended for direct wearing a fighter so that he moves with the "dome" on the battlefield and covered his unit from air attacks. The focus appealed to the Ukrainian manufacturer of Pirany-Techn's remedies.

Experts analyzed the available photos and information about the portable version of Triton and suggested that the removable antennas contain a block of radiators at the bottom, and they are most likely to have interference generators and amplifiers. The backpack is used to store and move the power elements. "It is clear that in this way they tried to reduce the level of harmful effects for the military who uses this remedy by raising the source of radiation over their heads.

But given that the antenna, according to the manufacturer, make dome protection, we understand that according to the charts The direction of radiation can still influence the owner of this backpack, "-said the Deputy Director General of" Piranha-Tech "Yuri Momot. Evaluating the manufacturability, the experts concluded that the cooling of the generator creation and the amplifier is passive - indicates the appearance of the radiator block, namely the absence of coolers.

This design does not allow to work with the specified capacity of 30 watts in active mode for more than 20 minutes, since the system has the properties of fever at operation, which immediately leads to a decrease in the power and radius of action of the device, that is, the dome declared by the Russians will not be constant. "The inconvenience is also the need to constantly use the remedy in the upright position to maintain the stated characteristics.

In my opinion, this tool is more suitable for the guard of the protection of any object to protect assault groups and use at the front," Yuri Momot said. The International Cancer Agency for the World Health Organization refers to radio frequency electromagnetic rays to the 2B group and recognizes that they can be carcinogenic, that is, cause cancer.

According to state sanitary rules and rules for the protection of the population from the influence of electromagnetic radiation in Ukraine, various devices create an electric field in the environment, the intensity of which is reduced as they are removed from them. The direct impact on the people who are within such field is increased with the increase in the field tension and the time of stay in it.

In 2020, the director of the Ukrainian State Center for Radio Frequency Volodymyr Korsun calculated a safe distance to the 5G mobile antennas, which operate in the range from 700 MHz to almost 100 Hz (drones are also included here).

It used the following formula: D = √ (PG/4πs), where as a specialist stated, the typical base stations of cellular communication have a power of 60 W, the antenna strengthening factor in maximum (in the direction of radio wave distribution) is up to 50 times relative to the isotropic radiator.

(It is such an ideal emitter that emits electromagnetic energy of uniform intensity in all directions), the maximum permissible energy density according to sanitary standards at that time was 10 μW/cm² (or 0. 1 W/m²).

According to Vladimir Korsun estimates, it turned out that people can be as much as possible without harming health at a distance of 50 meters in front of such antennas (in the direction of their radiation), as well as at a distance of 5 meters from the side, from above or below it.

It should be noted that on September 5, 2023, the Ministry of Health by the Ultravis Frequency (> 700–897 MHz) was increased to 350 μW/cm² or 36 W/m², thus the minimum safe distance to formally decreased to about 6 meters, But people are still not allowed to get close to the sources of powerful radio radiation.

Ukrainian telecommunications expert Roman Khimich indicated in a comment to focus that the claimed capacity of the complex is really large and compared with the emitted capacity of mobile base stations lying in the range of 5-20 watts, rarely more.

It is still missing the details to estimate the risks to the health of the Triton operator, because you need to know: first, what the antenna orientation diagram looks like, whether the operator's head gets into the flow of electromagnetic energy; Second, what are the values ​​of radiation intensity per square centimeter of the body. "It is these indicators that are regulated by health standards because they affect the body. I can say nothing on the basis of the photo.

The war again very clearly demonstrated that in the post -Soviet space human life is a penny. The reasoning of political, military or other state expediency clearly outweigh the value of life and health of citizens, " - said Roman Khimich. Focus journalists talked with a Ukrainian military specialist in communication and radio electronic struggle, Sergei Beskrest (call sign "Flash"), and, in his opinion, Russian soldiers who will use such "muffins" can be considered suicides.

He noted that Triton works in the range of FPV-ouzh-it is an ultra-high frequency (900 MHz, 2. 4 GHz). "At this frequency there is a normal microwave, so imagine what happens if the antennas are kept near the head. By and large, scientists have not yet conducted full studies, as high frequencies affect the brain in the long run and, most importantly, in generations . As for mobile phones, such studies have already been conducted, their power is 2 watts or less, it is regulated.

The Triton has a power of 30-50 wat who are at the head of a person for hours. Kevlar helmet will not help here, "the expert explained. He added that the degree of damage to radio emission depends on the distance to the antenna and power. The impact decreases inversely in proportion to the distance and weakens with each meter ten times, that is, it is enough to move away from the equipment to significantly reduce the risk.

Sergei Flesh stressed that there is currently no reliable evidence of the effectiveness of Russian Triton complexes, as such systems have not yet fallen into the hands of the defenders of Ukraine. For the same reason, Ukrainians do not know the exact characteristics of the equipment and can be guided solely by information with the Russian Federation. "In Ukraine, there are prototypes of hundreds of such complexes, but that does not mean that they work.

We should not rely solely on the words of the Russians, on their boasting, because it can only be an IPSO behind it," he said. The founder of the Antidron Ukraine volunteer initiative, Serhiy Gerasimyuk, spoke about other risks of using backpack systems. The project produces and supplies the Armed Forces of Ukraine to combat UAVs in a backpack form factor, but warns the Ukrainian military that they need to be removed and installed on land before use.

According to the developer, the reason here is not so much in the harm of radio emission, but the banal complexity of using such equipment in the field - long antenna can easily break into branches and other obstacles, and without them, obstacle modules simply cannot work and fail. "The Russians have never thought about safety, because people in them are transportation.

We are aware of the harm of radio waves, and even our backpacks - the format is purely for transfer, working on" shoulders "is not assumed at all, transferring with antennas - forbidden," - - - - - - Sergey Gerasimyuk noted.

He also said that the military themselves are trying to stay as far away from the running complexes of the HR, because the enemy captures their work by regular means of radio electronic intelligence, even from a distance of more than 30 km, which automatically turns the tool to protect into targets for artillery. This is just a matter of time and case during what time such a "suicide-bearer" will be affected by enemy fire.

This is actually explained by the "ignor" by the manufacturer of a harmful effect on the health of the "operator" of such a tool, because artillery will destroy it much faster than biological processes that occur in the human body due to prolonged and regular stay in such high-energy and aggressive environment "Any" any The military knows that it is impossible to be near the working rem However, there is a need for long -term protection - equipment is installed and masked by the terrain, in recesses, capons and so on, " - says Sergey Gerasimyuk.

Russian experts also recognize that the carrier of "Triton" should "put a piece of their health on the horse, despite the fact that the engineers" Labs of the PPS "allegedly chose the optimal power and radiation orientation. They also know that the work of "glutchka" is easy to see. They propose to deal with the regular replacement of operators regularly with the first problem, and with the second problem by using the equipment carefully.