
The successes of the Armed Forces and the "only marathon": how did the Ukrainians understand about victory

According to polls, most Ukrainians believe that victory in the war is the exit to the borders of 1991. In this case, the authorities formulate a victory wider. And experts say that the victory will not necessarily end the war. The focus understood what the victory in the imagination of Ukrainians should be and what influences it.

"There is no request for victory in Ukraine," - this opinion was voiced by ATO veteran Martin Brest in the program "Who with Miroshnichenko?" According to him, Ukrainians do not understand what the victory will be, and therefore even those who know well on military matters cannot clearly say at what stage of hostilities we are.

"What will it be? We will go to any borders? Or do we undermine the Kremlin? If I do not know the result, I can't calculate the stages of its achievement, at what stage of the war we are," Brest added. According to the results of the polls, more than 80% of Ukrainians consider the victory of the release of all the occupied territories of Ukraine. Representatives of the authorities also voice such a message.

Thus, speaking in September 2023 at the UN Security Council, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky named two main points that are part of the peace plan for the termination of the war in Ukraine: "Actually, only the execution of such two points will have the result of honest, reliable and complete termination of hostilities ", - added the President.

At the same time, the military-political leadership of the country periodically voices additional criteria, formulating the answer to the question-what is victory. The secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Alexei Danilov, for example, believes that victory is not only the liberation of all territories, but also nuclear disarmament of the Russian Federation. And also the cessation of Russia's existence in its current limits.

"The real victory of Ukraine is the collapse of Russia, the disappearance of it as a holistic subject of history and politics," Danilov said. The Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny said that victory is also the creation of a strong army that will not give the Russian Federation the opportunity to repeat what happened. "Ukraine must do everything to make everything that happened and start on February 24, 2022, never happens in life," Zaluzhny said.

In different periods of a full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation, sociologists asked Ukrainians - that they victory in the war. According to the CEO of KIIS Volodymyr Paniotto, more than 80% of respondents, answering this question, say - the release of all the occupied territories. "We conducted seven studies, asked -" Do Ukrainians agree to territorial concessions to reach peace and maintain independence.

" According to the sociologist, the opinion of the respondents could change depending on additional questions. For example, if Ukrainians were asked - "do they agree to compromise if the threat of their lives and their loved ones increases in the event of a continuous war, the number of those who disagree was declining. "If the safety situation becomes worse, the number of people who agree to compromise in the frontal regions increases. Compromises in research are offered different.

When we ask -" Do Ukrainians agree to keep Crimea in the Russian Federation " - categorically" no " But if, for example, respondents are offered a freezing option for several years, during which the occupied territories will be under the protectorate of the UN - that is, neither Russia nor Ukraine will agree - more people agree, " - adds Paniotto.

The expert believes that understanding of "victory" was formed under the influence of two factors - the success of the Armed Forces on the front and information policy, which is broadcast through the media. After the start of a full -scale war in Ukraine, the process was intensified, which sociologists call "grouping around the flag. " During that period, the level of trust in the President and the Armed Forces increased greatly.

The real success at the front - the liberation of Kherson, Kharkiv region - influenced the formation of people's idea of ​​what victory could be, and the only marathon - strengthened these ideas. Currently, according to the sociologist, Ukrainians are experiencing some disappointment in the results of a counter -offensive, which is also likely to influence the understanding of victory.

"The latest study of whether the Ukrainians agree to compromise, we conducted in October 2023: 14% answered positively. We did not ask if the Ukrainians feel disappointed, but we assume that the number of agreements for territorial concessions increased by 4% for this reason. We conducted all our research into the article [Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces Valery] Zaluzhny, where he said that everything went not quite as the country's leadership planned.

I think this article also influenced the Ukrainians, "the expert notes. The concepts of "victory" and "end of war" can be very different, according to a military expert, a colonel of the Armed Forces Oleg Zhdanov. According to him, it is difficult to guarantee that with the exit to the borders of 1991, the war will end. "Because, if Russia does not experience a final defeat on the battlefield, if they retreat, everything can continue in the Israeli version.

The country's military-political leadership is obliged to clearly formulate the purpose of our victory and that we are victory for us. Because for ordinary Ukrainians it is a victory release of territories and restoration of Ukraine's sovereignty. And then we will look at the circumstances, " - says Focus Zhdanov.

The head of the Ukrainian Center for Security and Cooperation, Serhiy Kuzan, also noted in a conversation with focus, which in Ukraine still did not clearly designate what war should end - a truce or a capitulation of the enemy. The best scenario would be Moscow's surrender. In this case, control over nuclear weapons would have passed to the international community.