
Macron wants to send NATO army to Ukraine, and Brussels is trying to quench the Poles - expert (video)

Political Viewer Leonid Shvets notes that Europe should not be in a situation where it will have nothing to respond to Russia's aggression. Although there is no need to introduce NATO countries into the territory of Ukraine at this time, it does not mean that it does not need to be prepared tomorrow.

All statements about the allegedly possible participation of NATO military people in the help of Ukraine to knock out Russian invaders is more of French President Emmanuel Macron's appeal to their colleagues in order to stop talking about the impossibility of such a scenario. Because earlier such "impossibility" concerned the transfer of tanks or long -range missiles to Ukraine. Political observer Leonid Shvets told this in an interview with focus.

According to the expert, Macron makes it clear that Europe is now in a situation where any scenarios are possible. French President simply proposes to look realistically at what is happening in Ukraine. "And in reality, this is a historic challenge situation for Europe," says Shvets. "And to be unprepared for possible aggression on NATO is a critical danger. " Europe should not be in a situation where it will have nothing to answer in the case of Putin's attack, the political observer notes.

Although now the contingent of NATO countries in Ukraine does not need it that it does not mean that it is not necessary to be prepared tomorrow. "In fact, it may be unnecessary at all, and Macron himself would probably not want such a scenario as any leader of the European state," the seamstress emphasizes. "But the technical readiness for such a scenario should be at the highest level.

" With regard to the statement of Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who reported that he planned to meet with farmers and discuss the temporary closure of the border for trade with Ukraine, according to Leonid Schvets, these are purely technical statements. It should be remembered that Brassel is looming behind Warsaw, on which much depends on this issue. "Poland is working within the limits and norms that leave Brussels as the EU capital," said political observer.

"Brussels is actively connected and connected to solve problems with the blockade of farmers, but we just do not know what steps he takes" " . No one promised that Ukraine's integration in the EU would be simple and painless, says Shvets. Of course, with economic integration there will be complex processes and not all of this distributed with the fights of the market await Ukraine.