
Western trace in Ohmatdita. How Russia uses allies' components for its rockets

The Russian rocket, which destroyed Okhmatdit Children's Hospital in Kiev, is based on Western components, influential world media reports. How the Russian Federation uses bypass loopholes and whether to really stop the supply of the aggressor the components required for the manufacture of missiles.

The fact that the Russian rocket X-101, which destroyed the Kiev Children's Hospital "Okhmatdit", is based on the components of Western production, which testifies to the success of the Kremlin in the bypass of sanctions, Financial Times writes. The publication states: "Russia produces almost eight times more x-101 than a full-scale invasion in 2022-and still depends on spare parts from Western countries, including the United States.

" FT also emphasizes that although sanctions cut off from some advanced components, the Kremlin's defense sector uses microprocessors and other technologies that are not intended for military use. The analysis of Russian documents, conducted by the newspaper, shows that the parts made by Western manufacturers are listed in the documents as made in China, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan or Thailand.

In general, according to the FT expert opinion, the equipped X-101 can contain more than 50 different details of foreign production. "As of today, anti -Russian sanctions do not look like in full, but partly - for sure. Last year, when we analyzed the relations of Iran and Russia at the Institute of Strategic Studies, we found one thing that one of the priorities of the Russian Federation was to study Iran's experience of bypassing the sanctions.

And the customers in Kazakhstan were specially created by the Russian Federation, "-said political scientist Ivan Us. Currently, according to the expert, no one will cancel the possibility that the company that will sell the details forbidden to supply to Russia will be in some neutral country against which sanctions are not, and then it will resolve this product of the Russian Federation, conducting such a specific specific re-export.

Answering focus questions about where and how to work more carefully and rigidly to block this kind of loophole, Ivan said: "When companies sell sub-goods to any company in the world, a special item of this contract should be spelled out Products not for re -export to the Russian Federation. , one-day companies can be created. " At the same time, the expert adds that no matter how sanctions are imposed, Russia still finds the opportunity to bypass them.

"Unfortunately, it must be acknowledged that one hundred percent of all the holes will not be closed, but at least make the way in all the sense of the word way for Russia - quite possible. Certainly, on the one hand, it will mean that the goods will still fall To Russia. The National Welfare Fund. Ivan Us.

Emphasizing that this is a rough enough count, the expert added: "In any case, the financial exhaustion of Russia will continue, including due to the fact that the circumstance of sanctions will become more expensive" pleasure ". Political scientist Alexander Kochetkov is sure Eradicating drug trafficking, smuggling, or fake affairs cannot be completely closed for Russia's bypass paths. The same microchips are available in medical or household equipment.

Imagine that some Kazakh, Tajik or Kyrgyz firm is purchased by these chips for supply, for example, to Finland for the production of medical equipment. And these goods go to the customer with motor transport, but they are suddenly lost in Russia. These are the networks with the use of companies from other countries of the Russian Federation built and actively uses them, "-explained the expert in conversation with focus.

In the belief The expert, the Russians began to produce similar chips themselves: "Yes, these chips will be 5 times larger than the western ones, but unfortunately, they will manage rockets - just as the Soviet chips managed the Soviet missiles in their time.

" Weak policy, which would control the practical implementation of sanctions imposed against the Russian Federation, Ukraine can make sound claims of the West, Alexander Kochetkov summarized: "No matter how unfortunate it may be, but today the world does not want to be completely on our side. For example, on the day of the tragedy in Okhmatditi, the Prime Minister of India calmly embraced himself with Putin.

There are no practical opportunities that would completely stop the supply to the Russian Federation for the same missiles. In view of this, it would be much better if the event would supply us with a long-range weapon as it does, for example, the United Kingdom, and then we could destroy these missiles on a ride. " Whether Americans are supplied to the Russian Federation, they work closely with Russian special services, and they are successfully masked.