
"Closer to the Collision Line": Railway in occupation can be more vulnerable than the Crimean bridge - the Navy

According to the speaker of the Navy, Dmitry Pletenchuk, after the strikes on the Crimean peninsula, the enemy realized that he needs to establish logistics in another way. At the same time, the construction of the railway can turn for Moscow failure. The invaders continue the construction of the railway, which will have to connect Russian territories with temporarily occupied Ukrainian. In particular, it is a route Rostov-on-Don-Mariupol-Crimea.

The spokesman of the Navy of the Armed Forces Dmitry Pletenchuk on the Freedom TV channel told why it may be dangerous for the enemy. According to him, an alternative route through the Azov coast can be more vulnerable than the Crimean bridge. All because of the threat of blows. At the same time, attacks on an illegal structure through the Gulf of Kerch, which were already several, are likely to continue.

"Railway is virtually if not recognition by Russian invaders that the bridge is doomed, at least a way to insure. That is, they realize that sooner or later they have such a problem, and they are respectively. Apparently. They are able to build the railway because they are a paramiliced ​​structure, they remained inherited from the USSR, "Dmitry Pletenchuk said.

Separately, the Navy spokesman reminded that the enemy recorded serious problems with logistics due to effective strikes of the Ukrainian side on the Crimean bridge. The supports were damaged and it became dangerous for logistics for logistics. After that, the enemy used large landing ships for the supply of voluminous cargoes, but in parallel was working on the construction of an alternative route, which may also be vulnerable.

"As for the railway, it is closer to the line of combat collision than the bridge, that is, it is more vulnerable, of course, but also to restore it much easier and faster than the bridge. Therefore, over time we will see what it will lead to," - summed up Dmitry Pletenchuk. We will remind, on March 31 the head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence Kirill Budanov stated that the Russian Federation almost completed the railway in the south.