
The lesion of the Slav "RF: Pletenchuk's ferry:

The ferry was an important element of the military logistics of the Russians. He provided a group in the occupied Crimea and in the southern part of Ukraine, in the captured territories. The Navy of the Armed Forces, together with other units of defense forces on July 23, in the Russian port "Caucasus" caused significant damage to the ferry "Slavic". He received several direct hits.

The ferry was provided by the logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the south of Ukraine and in the occupied Crimea. Dmitry Pletenchuk, a spokesman for the Navy, said this in a comment to the Public Forces. "We know that" Slav "in the Caucasus" somehow did not get accustomed. Because there were direct hit in this steam. He is rail, he is quite powerful and he was the last.

As for this projection of the panel - he had to accommodate 50 conditional parses, That is, 50 tanks can be transported. According to the spokesman of the Navy of the Armed Forces, earlier the ferry was running from the port of "Caucasus" to Bulgaria, but he was removed from the route because of the "critical situation". "The situation was as critical that after the loss of the previous two steams, the Russians were forced to remove it from this route and put it on an" internal "route.

More precisely, in order to connect the Russian Railway with the Crimean, with our occupied railway," - said Navy spokesman. "Slav" was an important element of the logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and provided a group in the occupied Crimea and in the occupied territories in the southern part of Ukraine. "Now they will somehow solve the problem of termination of this chain. Its damage is not accidental. After that, they realized that it is not a joke.

As far as Ukraine is controlled In this, the Russians. He added that after the defeat of the ferry "Slavs" in the Azov Sea suddenly "disappeared" all Russian warships. The Sea of ​​Azov generally lost Russian warships. He recalled that a similar situation was after the defeat of the Askold vessel. Then the Russians brought out the main ships.

It should be reminded that on July 23, the group of forces of the Navy of the Armed Forces, together with the units of other components of defense forces, in the port of "Caucasus" caused significant damage to the Russian ferry "Slavic". It should be reminded that in the British intelligence it was suggested that the ferry of "Slavic" was probably transported by liquefied gas. Now the Russians will have to use the Crimean bridge to transport fuel.