
German Chancellor Scholz wants to talk to Putin: the Kremlin reacted - the media

The German leader allegedly wants to talk to Putin, the media is writing. The Kremlin head, the Kremlin head, no official requests for the "conversation" of two leaders from Berlin. German Chancellor Olaf Scholtz, according to the German media, allegedly gathered with Russian President Vladimir Putin a telephone conversation. The Kremlin noted that Berlin has not yet asked, TASS writes.

Die Zeit, with reference to unnamed sources in the government, wrote that in November, on the eve of the G20 meeting in Brazil, German Chancellor plans to talk to the Kremlin head. However, the authors of the material emphasized, so far Berlin has not yet addressed Moscow with a corresponding official request. The last time, officials, had a conversation before the full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, in December 2022.

The latest face talks of the President of the Russian Federation and Chancellor of Germany took place on February 15 of that year. The Kremlin head Dmitry Peskov's head confirmed that Germany did not ask for a telephone conversation, the Russian agency writes. There was also no non -public contact with the German chancellor. Peskov added that there are no common topics for talking to Scholz and Putin on the surface, and the relations of Germany and Russia are reduced to zero.

"There are no such topics on the surface. Our relationships are reduced to zero and not on our initiative," Peskov said, adding that the leaders had severed communication on Berlin's initiative. However, he said, Putin still "remains open for dialogue. " It should be noted that in June 2024, Solz stated that he was ready to continue contact with Putin, but only when it would be a good time.

We will remind, on September 9 it was reported that Olaf Scholtz proposes to invite the Russian Federation to the second peaceful summit. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky had a secret conversation with Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholtz, and journalists found out. The German politician reported that he was trying to end full -scale fighting as soon as possible.