
Russian artist promised to pour Picasso paintings with acid if Julian Assange dies in prison

Andriy Molodkin claims that he has works of art of famous artists for $ 45 million. And he will destroy them if the founder WikiLeaks will die in prison. Andriy Molodkin, a well -known Russian artist, stated that he "holds the works of art for $ 45 million in hostages to release Julian Assange. " He has already promised to dissolve the masterpieces of Picasso, Vorgol and Rembrandt in acid in a 29-ton repository if the founder of Wikileaks dies in prison.

And they will return them only in case of release of Assange. About it writes Daily Mail. Andriy Molodkin claims that he has collected 16 works of art, the total cost of which, according to him, is $ 45 million, and now threatens to destroy them if his requirements are not fulfilled. According to him, works of art are stored in a 29-ton safe with an "extremely caustic" substance and will be returned to their owners only if the assange comes out of prison.

Wikileaks founder awaits the results of his latest appeal against extradition to the United States, where he is threatened with espionage accusations and imprisonment for up to 175 years. The scandalous artist who supports his release argues that the contents of the safe will be completely destroyed if the timer "Merzh switch" will not be dumped daily and the safe will be locked on Friday.

According to Molodkin, the 24-hour return reference timer will be dumped only if "any of the close" assange will confirm daily that he is still alive. Molodkin made a statement against the backdrop of fear of Assange supporters that he had worsened health, and his lawyer stated that his "life would be under threat" if he was extracted. "In our catastrophic time - when we have so many wars - destroy art - much more taboo than destroying a person's life. Since then, Julian Assange was prison . . .

Freedom of expression of thoughts, freedom of speech, freedom of information have begun more and more To suppress. Now this feeling has intensified, " - said the artist. He refused to name what works of art were in the safe, but says that there are some of his own works, as well as the works of Picasso, Rembrandt, Vorgol, Jaspere Jones, Jannis Kunellis, Robert Raushenberg, Sarah Lucas and other artists.

Also, the owner of one Milan Gallery claims that he provided a picture of Picasso Molodkin and signed an agreement on non -disclosure of information about which one. Dzhampolo Abbondio, who knew Molovkin for many years, said that at first he refused to convey the picture, but then agreed. "It has made me think that it is more important for the world to have one Assange than extra Picasso, so I decided to agree," he said.

Molodkin earlier got into the headlines of newspapers after pouring copies of Prince Harry's memoirs "spare" with artificial blood in protest against what he killed the Taliban during his service in Afghanistan. Molodkin is a sculptor and an artist. He is a former Soviet Army soldier, a participant in anti -war protests and a Russian dissident, now lives in the south of France.

Earlier, he made a huge portrait of Vladimir Putin, using blood supplied by Ukrainian soldiers, and says he cannot return to Russia because he fears that Putin's regime will put him in prison for his work. Assange Stella's wife supports the Molodkin Man's Switch project, which she called "a work of art. " "Julian's political imprisonment is a true terrorist act against democracy.

True goals here are not only Julian Assange, but also the right of the public to know, as well as the future of ability to bring power to accountability. , - she said. It is said that Molodkin stores the safe in his workshop in southern France before transporting him to some secret place.

Recall that the founder of WikiLeaks is held in prison by HMP Belmarsh in the southeast of London since April 2019 after it was forcibly removed from the Ecuador Embassy when his seven -year diplomatic shelter was canceled. Public hearings are scheduled for February 20 and 21 and are considered the last chance for Assange to prevent its extradition to the United States. In 2022, Assange married his lawyer Stella Morris. Stella was in a wedding dress from British designer Vivienne Westwood.