
Russia buys weapons: who has to control the aggressor operations and why trade continues

The Russian Federation continues to buy the necessary equipment and weapons for aggression against Ukraine, while the countries of the world are only obliged to "be vigilant", which is stated in the last report on the results of the FATF group. At the FATF plenary in Paris, in October, it was decided to leave the suspension of Russian membership in the organization.

"Fatf again emphasizes that all jurisdictions should be vigilant about current and new risks from bypassing the measures taken against the Russian Federation to protect the international financial system," Fatf said. Experts believe that the statement about "be vigilant" is just a convention.

"All transactions with the Russian financial system should be subject to increased control and inspection, and foreign entrepreneurs, of course, want to minimize the risks in their activities and reduce the number of possible checks and issues, it is already known that many goods fall into the Russian Federation not directly, but through third countries But now, until the Russian Federation is on the Black List Fatf, working with their business still remains more issues of moral Everything is meant to track the purpose and a chain of funds so that transactions are not aimed at financing terrorism, prohibited (sub -) organizations and financing the spread of weapons of mass destruction, etc.

", - said Focus Igor Yasko, manager of the JUK Winner partner. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine stated that FATF should ensure its mandate to an effective and effective financial supervisory body, and delay in actions does not meet any interests except the Kremlin and the terrorist groups that Russia sponsors.

"In the last few months, we have witnessed a frank recognition that Russia has financed Wagner PEC for the amount of $ 1 billion from the state budget, as well as intensified weapons trade and commercial ties with countries included in the FATF - Iran's Black List and Iran North Korea. Russia has also intensified attempts to blackmail Fatf Member States to pink them to their side by violating FATF-based processes.

The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and our partners will continue to call for further actions against increasing risks for international financial security by Russia and make efforts to strengthen the FATF reaction to gross Kremlin's disruptions. Ministry's Prescribe.

Experts say that the Kremlin is still able to finance the purchase of goods required for the war against Ukraine, and the Russian Federation has not yet been included in the Fatf's black list (now on the DPRK, Iran and Myanmar list) is partially related to partnerships some influential states. "The sanctions against Iran and the DPRK, for example, have an international consensus in the sanction regime, and there is no such thing in Russia.

And while supporters of conservation of relations with Russia are such large countries as China, Turkey, and so on, the situation is unlikely to change. These look ghostly these prospects for making Russia on the black Fatf list, as a sponsor of terrorism, it is probable, " - said political scientist Volodymyr Fesenko in a conversation with focus. The decision to enter the Russian Federation to the "black" FATF list, experts say.

"The effect that Ukraine wants to achieve is only possible if FATF makes the Russian Federation to the black list. Calculations with foreign companies for a member of the list becomes too complicated, in some cases even impossible. If the bank monitors the payment from the country on the black list, it can block such a transaction, or freeze money to change the status of the country.

If the bank does not do it, then the country of registration of the bank may be under the supervision of international controlling bodies or get under sanction measures. Accordingly, if the transaction is blocked, then the circulation of goods in such volume, As it happens now is impossible, " - explained Igor Yasko.