
Hold on to June: Czech Republic wants to "quench the shell famine" of the Armed Forces, how much to wait for the promised

The allies came up with how to fill the lack of ammunition in the Armed Forces, but the delivery time was extended by the beginning of the summer. If 800,000 ammunition still fall on the front, the intensity of Ukrainian artillery work will increase many times over. The focus found out whether it was worth counting on the promises of partners. The first ammunition party for artillery, purchased not in the EU countries, will come to Ukraine no earlier than June 2024.

The Czech Republic's plan for the purchase of ammunition in third countries, proposed in February, is being implemented. By the time of the contracts, the delivery of ammunition to Ukraine will take several weeks, said on March 13, the Czech Prime Minister of National Security Tomash Pozh. Initiative coordinators say that Russia can disrupt the supply of ammunition to Ukraine, so the details of the agreement are trying to keep secreted.

It is known that more than 15 countries have agreed to finance deliveries, including Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Germany, Norway and Canada. The Czech Republic determines the availability of ammunition available around the world, and other countries give money to buy and send them. Prague will also coordinate the delivery of shells to the battlefield. The purchase of 300,000 was confirmed and another 200,000 ammunition was promised, and she said.

Czech President Peter Paul called another number of shells on March 11. According to him, the Allies of Ukraine collected the entire amount for transfer of 800 thousand artillery ammunition. The possible amount of expenses is 1. 5 billion euros, this money can be allocated by Germany, France, the Netherlands and Canada. It is not necessary to think that the Czech initiative for Ukraine is the only source of replenishment of shells. Kiev makes direct purchases of ammunition of the 155th caliber.

There are also shells in the next US assistance package, reminiscent of military expert Pavel Narozhny. "The promised Czech Republic will be able to shoot up to 4. 4 thousand shells a day. If such a large number of ammunition is received by the Armed Forces, the enemy's pressure in the active defense phase is actually restrained until November 2024. This month they have to choose a new US President. "Europe will find money to redeem the whole party, it is a matter of time.

Delivery will be separate parties. As for third countries, it is mainly Canada and South Korea. The latter is huge arsenals, because for many years they are preparing to fight with North Korea," the Narozhny explains. In Japan, rigid export standards for military goods, so they can transfer the shells on the chain to Ukraine. For example, first London and then Kiev. The 122nd caliber shells are in Africa and in the warehouses of the former social camp.

Powerful military support from Ukraine from the Czech Republic is primarily related to the pro -Western course of the current government of the country, says the political scientist of the Department of Eastern European Studies of Charles University Jan Shire. "The safety situation is so serious that the Czech Republic simply could not stay away . . . The Czech Republic has provided Ukraine with almost all stocks of equipment from its warehouses.

It is about tanks, RSSUs and other types of heavy weapons. However, such equipment is now not enough in the Czech Republic," He explains. The political scientist is concerned that in 2025 a new government will be elected in the Czech Republic. The recent surveys show a high chance of winning the Czech's expression Andrey Babysh, known for ambiguous statements about Ukraine's further support. "The US will also have elections.