
The Armed Forces showed ingenuity in the release of snake and destroying Moscow - NYT

To run the fire on the snake, according to journalists, Ukrainians installed the Caesar SAU on special barges, forcing the Russians to leave a passionate island. Ukrainian servicemen showed ingenuity during military operations during which Western weapons were involved. This is stated in the article of The New York Times. Journalists, commenting on new supply of weapons of Ukraine, emphasized the rapid adaptation of soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to Western weapons.

In this context, the authors of the article mentioned military operations for the release of Snake Island and the destruction of the flagship of the Russian Federation "Moscow". According to The NYT, Ukrainian servicemen used the Caesar SAU and their own adapted missiles to accomplish the tasks. In addition, journalists praise Kyiv for the creation of drones, which allow to attack enemy ships in the open sea.

"The Army of Ukraine is known in NATO as" McGayver Army "-a reference to an old television series, in which the hero shows ingenuity and improvisation, using everything that falls at hand. To conduct fire on a snake Ukrainian, installed Caesar with a 40-kilometer radius and towed them for 10 kilometers to hit the island, which was located for 50 kilometers. The authors of the article were noted, commenting on the military successes of the Armed Forces against Russia.