
The Russian bomber for the first time broke the air space of Sweden after entering NATO

The Russian Su-24 aircraft ignored the warning of the Swedish military, so Gripen rose to the sky. Sweden Air Force was first caught by the Russian SU-24 to the east of the southern edge of the Gotland Island. About it reports the Ministry of Defense of the country. Yesterday, June 14, the Russian Su-24 aircraft violated the Swedish airspace near the Gotland Island. The board was warned about the violation, but the Russian crew did not respond.

After that, the royal air forces decided to intercept the aircraft of the Russian air space forces by the Jas-39 Gripe fighter. "Russia's actions are unacceptable and demonstrate the lack of respect for our territorial integrity. We have been watching the whole process and were there to intervene," - said the head of the Air Force Jonas Wikman. However, it is emphasized that the violation was not long.

The Defense Ministry also reported that the last Russian Federation violated the airspace in 2022. Then four Russian planes were also flying over Gotland as part of two Su-27 and two Su-24. In "militaristic" add that in the light, which was published in Sweden, it is impossible to establish the type of Su-24. There are two versions of the aircraft: Su-24-MR reconnaissance and the Su-24M front bomber.