
In Poland, the Russian "Shahamed" is unsuccessfully looking for: the military is not excluded that it flew further (photo)

The fighters of the Polish territorial defense forces, combing 2. 8 thousand hectares, did not find an unrecognized Russian air object that flew into the country from Ukraine on Monday. The search operation was carried out on August 29 and may continue on Friday. On Monday, the Lublin Commune Tishovce, located about 30 km from the border with Ukraine, is searching for an unrecognized air facility that has penetrated the territory of Poland and disappeared from radars.

About it writes the Polish edition of RMF24. In the operational command of the Armed Forces last night reported that no suspicious object was found, so the operation will continue on Thursday, August 29. On Monday and Tuesday, territorial defense servicemen searched for more than 2. 8 thousand hectares. On Wednesday, they checked the territory west of the Volytsya Snyatytska (Zakosky County), in particular: dirt, Dombrova, velvet.

The equestrian patrols, helicopters and Flyeye are also involved in the search. According to the OK of the Armed Forces, today they will also decide whether the search will be continued on Friday. The unmanned apparatus entered the territory of Poland on Monday on August 26, at 6:43, near the Ukrainian city of Chervonorod. The object disappeared from the radars in the commune Tyshovtse, south of Grubyshev.

As General Matsey Klysh, the Operational Commander, said, "this is not a rocket, no hypersonic, no ballistic rocket, no managed rocket", but probably "an object of type of unmanned aircraft". The trajectory of flight, speed and height at which the object moved, suggest that it was an unmanned aircraft, such as Shahed type used by the Russians during the attack on Ukraine. "There was no visualization of this object, so we are not sure 100%," the Polish army noted.

The military does not rule out that the object could not fall in Poland, but flew further or turned back, but the radar systems could not fix it. We will remind, on Monday on August 26 the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation struck a massive combined blow to the objects of critical infrastructure of Ukraine. In total, 236 enemy aids were detected and accompanied by Radio technical troops of the Air Force: 127 rockets and 109 UAVs.