
The Russian Federation wants to cause maximum fire damage to Ukraine before the US elections - the Armed Forces Combat

According to Yuriy Fedorenko, winter is unlikely to be warm and the invaders intend to use it, attacking the objects of critical infrastructure. Moscow is now accumulating rockets and drones that he receives from his allies. Russia is now trying to do everything to get additional missiles or percussion drones and is associated with elections in the United States. By November, the enemy intends to try to cause maximum harm to Kiev.

The commander of the battalion of drum drones "Achilles" of the 92nd OSHBD Yuriy Fedorenko told about it on the air of "Ukrainian Radio". According to him, it is at this stage that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation wants to accumulate as much weapons as possible and thus increase the possibilities of rocket and aromatic blows. This is important because winter is unlikely to be warm and that the Russians want to use.

"The main approach to hostilities in the Russian Empire has always been the same as the destruction of civilians. Therefore, the enemy is aimed at further terror of Ukrainians and accordingly to the destruction Winter. This is the connection of the Kremlin's desire to enlist the support of different countries, the union of which is ongoing. This tactic should be saturated with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with the necessary means.

Achilles' Achilles Unmanned Achilles Battalion Commander added that the West began to be aware of the ineffectiveness of sanctions policy, and that Moscow was able to bypass restrictions. The world also understands that it is necessary to give the Armed Forces opportunities for defense and fighting, as well as to allow strikes in Russian territory with a long -range weapon. But not all decisions have been made and it is likely that it will happen after November.

"Unfortunately, in my belief, such decisions will be after changing the US President. By the time we need to keep the system, help the defense forces and be sure to respond to air anxiety. Defense forces will do anything they can. But friends, take care of your life . It is the highest, valuable gift. We will remind, on September 8 in Iran acknowledged that they had transferred to Russia ballistic missiles.