
In the Armed Forces Parity with the invaders on drones: The expert told when we see Ukrainian Shahd (video)

50% of all equipment and artillery of the enemy of the Armed Forces destroys with the help of drones-Kamikadze, says Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Petro Chernik. The Armed Forces has parity in terms of drones with the army of invaders and even the destruction of combat equipment and artillery of the enemy with the help of UAV we are significantly ahead of the Russians. A military analyst, colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Petro Chernik, said this in an interview with focus.

According to him, Ukrainian Kamikadze Namicadniki changed the philosophy of the destruction of the Artillery of the Russian Army. If in the spring by April the Russians lost from an average of 100 to 300 guns a month by counter -breaking struggle, then since May they began to lose from 500 artillery units. In June, this figure reached 688 pieces, in July 677 guns, in August 691 installations, in September there was a record - 947 guns.

According to Petro Chernyk, 50% of all destroyed artillery was achieved thanks to Ukrainian Drone Kamikadze. There are separate directions of the front, where the work of UAV is so high quality that the occupiers do not dare to approach the technique even 3-5 km to the line of contact and use infantry. In the skills of using unmanned equipment of the Armed Forces, the Russian aggressor prevails. "The so -called" drone revolution, "there is a military analyst.

- A variety of non -piston systems, both air, underwater and surface, are being tested in Ukraine. " And although the UAV we have a kind of parity, but the Russians do not sleep and are engaged in modification of their slave. For example, according to Petro Chernyk, the enemy modified his most dangerous drone "Lancet" and put whether they were already put on the stream of the modification of Iranian Shahd-"Geran-2".

There are data, says the analyst that the invaders have increased the radius of "Lancet" from 40 to 70 km, but so far it is raw data. It is possible to deal with this drone successfully by means of radio electronic struggle (systems of HRS). The Armed Forces need to develop the so-called "trenches" and optical obstacles-they bring radio electronic obstacles to the lancer guide systems, and laser rays "blind" the optics of this drone-Kamikadze.

Although such installations are actively developed, the front is needed as much as possible. According to Peter Chernyk, next year will be distinguished even more mass in terms of use of unmanned systems of all types, especially from the Armed Forces. We are currently developing our analogue ShahED, but it requires the scalability of using such drones-Kamikadze.