
"Dangerous times": Europe needs a large -scale re -equipment to win Putin - Telegraph

According to expert Ambrouse Evans-Prichard, there is a danger that at the expense of the unorganizing the event of the invasion of Ukraine, Putin will come from his hands. In this case, the trust in liberal democracies will be undermined worldwide. Europe must be radically re -arranged in order to defeat Russian President Vladimir Putin, who began the war against Ukraine. This Telegraph, Evans Prichard, is given this opinion.

According to him, there is a danger that at the expense of the discomfort of the invasion of Ukraine, Putin will come from his hands. In this case, the trust in liberal democracies will be undermined worldwide. According to a former UK defense specialist Jan Bond, these are dangerous times for Ukraine. "It is becoming increasingly obvious that Ukraine will not be able to win a quick victory," he said.

The material states that the Russian Federation announced a 70% increase in the budget for defense in 2024. The G7 price ceiling for Russian oil is $ 60 "is a fiction. " On the other hand, according to Evans Prichard, Ukraine has lost 30% of its economy, most of the heavy industry and a fifth of grain production.

"The West expects that the country will keep an offensive campaign against Russian trenches and minefields without covering from the air, with inadequate counter -bread fire, mine equipment and radio electronic fighting," the journalist wrote. He also believes that Europe is now faced with an enemy who wants to restore "royal borders" and even regain some of the territories that are now part of the European Union. The Kremlin does not want to achieve a strong settlement. "He (Vladimir Putin, ed.

) Views Ukraine as an artificial formation created by the enemies of Russia that has no right to exist. Even if the agreement was concluded, he would have attacked again in the near future," Bond said. According to Professor Alan Riley, the war really went to Putin. Yes, it can justify repression against the Russians. In addition, the Kremlin can import everything it needs through Turkey or Central Asia. The West, according to Moscow, weakens. "The Ministry of Defense of Europe understands this.

There is a feeling of fear that the situation can completely get out of control. They know that a large-scale re-equipment is needed," Riley said. At the same time, according to the professor, Western politicians do not yet understand it. It should be reminded that on November 28 it was reported that the United States strengthened sanctions for violation of the price ceiling for Russian oil.