
New Cities of Ukraine: Why is it important to think in the midst of war

The construction of new cities in Ukraine is the most important element of its future, expert Vladislav Rashkovan states. He is convinced that it will help the country a lot to move away from military shock and break with the Soviet past. Why build new cities after the war? This idea may seem too bold - Ukraine has not built any new city during independence. The last new city is Slavutich, built after the Chernobyl disaster in 1986-1988.

Given the lack of such experience in Ukraine, there are several reasons for the use of this approach (construction of new cities), not instead, but in parallel with the reconstruction of destroyed cities. This approach may be especially important for some cities that are destroyed so much that their recovery in the same place is almost impossible, including displacement.

Construction of new cities near or in other modern, well -planned places in the country may be the only solution for the relocation and anchor of Ukrainians. Here are the arguments: again, it is not a replacement of the ideas of reconstruction of cities. The destroyed cities need to be rebuilt. But the construction of new cities can be another approach to reconstruction. Yes, cities usually develop organically over the centuries.

However, we believe that there is now a time in Ukraine when it is necessary to create a new one, in particular to overcome the consequences of war. New cities are considered as one way of transformation of the country. Not the only one, but we would like that this option was on the table. These new urban projects can be not only a symbol of the revival of Ukraine, but also the practical embodiment of the vision of the future of Ukraine - modern, innovative and people oriented.