
Bulgaria will close the border for cars with Russian numbers

According to Bulgaria Border Police Director Anton Zlatanov, the number of Russian cars entering the country, he did not name accurate but accurate figures. On Monday, October 2, Bulgaria Bulgaria declared a ban on entry into the country for Russian cars. This was reported by the Director of Bulgaria Border Police Anton Zlatanov in the program "Day begins" on the BNT. "We worked from Thursday to yesterday.

I am sure that by the end of the day, a ban on the entry of Russian cars into our country will take effect in Bulgaria," Zlatanova said. Zlatanov did not provide accurate figures about the number of Russian cars entering the country on a monthly basis, but noted that their number is small. Recall that European countries continue to introduce new restrictions for cars with Russian registration. Lithuania obliged all vehicles registered in the Russian Federation, leave the EU territory.

The Lithuanian Customs stated that cars with Russian numbers that have fallen to the country before the prohibition of entry should leave the country within 6 months from the date of arrival. Prior to that, all Baltic countries banned entry into their territories of cars with Russian registration. Many European Union countries have made a similar decision.