
You do not hide from the army for training. How in Ukraine will track down in the WIR

Delay from mobilization by joining institutes and universities has taken a mass form: the number of contractors this year exceeded the pre -war indicators this year. The HIV is enriched at the expense of "thirsty to knowledge" and the Armed Forces feel the shortage. The focus learned how the authorities would stop gray evidence schemes. Ukrainians enter the ZNO massively so as not to get to the front.

The most noticeable increase in the number of those who want to learn - in the category over 30 and 40 years, is in the investigation of ngl. Media. The paid form of study of the current year entered up to 110,000 men, although last year there were 85,000 of them. The age -old entrants are not frightened by the price of contracts: it will have to pay an average of UAH 24,000 for study. Enterprise conditions are not complicated, often interview or motivational letter.

The most likely increase in the number of entrants is visible on the example of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport in Kharkiv. The contractors in the ZIP increased 20 times compared to the pre -war 2021, the authors write. It is profitable for universities to recruit age students because they pay for education and do not claim budget places. According to the publication, this year the Ukrainian ZOU received more than UAH 2. 6 billion of income from them-one billion more than 2022.

"To prevent abuse, it is enough to reduce the existing quotas for paid training to acceptable size and to introduce minimal selection of contractors through testing or exams," the authors of the authorities and the leadership of the ZNO are advised. The chairman of the subcommittee on higher education of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education, Science and Innovation, the People's Deputy from the "servant of the people" Yulia Grishina believes that most age students want to avoid mobilization.

"If people have entered - they need to study and execute an educational program. Otherwise, they must be deducted. We monitor this situation. The temptation is great. Everyone understands the likely presence of the corruption component," Grishina said. About the development of mechanisms of control and verification of entrants, measures and decisions to speak early. The authorities analyze the dynamics of increasing the number of entrants, explains Yulia Grishin Focus.

"We are watching the situation - do not mean tracking potential evidence. As a people's deputy, together with assistants, I analyze all the moments. It is so large spike in entrants during the war is probably caused by evasion of mobilization. For us, also priority for the quality of education," The politician emphasizes. Due to the desire not to fall under a wave of mobilization, corruption risks have increased in educational institutions.

Therefore, the Holves communicate, advise them to be more responsible and act within the competencies, adds the People's Deputy. "If men have entered the HEIs only to evade mobilization, they need to be deducted. We still count the number of entrants, their age. We pay attention to how much the percentage of those who want to study. No action on students has yet been used," she said. A variant of control over the evidence may be mandatory to take a single state qualification exam (EDCI).

If the students do not make it, they do not receive a diploma. "Edki has been introduced in certain medical specialties. In the queue cyber -safety, state management and law. Here on November 30 will be the right in the right, we will see the quality of training," Grishina notes. The State Education Quality Service checks the quality of teaching at universities and institutes. The ZNO, which has increased sharply the number of entrants aged 30 to 50 years, can be checked in addition, she summed up.

Evaluation of all risks and threats of general mobilization in Ukraine is a function of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, not the Verkhovna Rada, says the head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education, Science and Innovation, People's Deputy Sergey Babak says focus. "The Educational Committee knows this way of legitimate evasion [at the expense of joining the HUM]. We have informed [military] management about it," the deputy said.

The Committee of the Council will not restrict the right of Ukrainians to education. If the military leadership considers it necessary, the deputies initiate changes in the list of those who are entitled to defer from mobilization, he supplemented. It should be noted that in Parliament there was a bill that abolishes a deferral from mobilization to those who re -educate education and graduate students over 30 years older.

The document argues the restriction of the constitutional human right to education during the war, stipulated in Article 53 of the Basic Law of Ukraine. Article 64 allows to restrict human rights in the conditions of martial law or state of emergency, indicating legislators. However, there is a small clarification: Article 64 states that certain restrictions of rights and freedoms are established with the term of their action.

It is impossible to restrict rights and freedoms under Articles 24-29, 40, 47, 51, 52, 55-63. There are no right to education among the articles listed. Focus surveyed by lawyers in the field of military law argued that the authorities would restrict the constitutional rights of Ukrainians by relevant laws.

"From a legal point of view, such restrictions should be adopted only in the form of a law and a majority of votes, with the necessary provisions in the Constitution," said the lawyer of the law company Riyako & Partners Mykola Maximov. According to a lawyer, the bill on the abolition of delay from mobilization contains the risk of involving low -motivated people in the Armed Forces.

The lawyer is wondering why personnel for the army are not looking for graduates of military universities and departments. "The number of the National Police is over 130,000 people, the SBU is over 50,000. Maybe it is better to look?" Maximov asked. The focus figured out the question of why law enforcement officers who have special training do not send massively to the front. According to the authorities, the police, the National Guard and the SBU need to protect the rear.

If the bill discussed above is approved in the near future, students older than 30 years can send to the front after the new year, lawyer Oleg Leontiev said. Students show the military and dual form every six months and receive a deferral. Therefore, if in six months a person brings a certificate of study, and the law has already changed, the grounds for deferral are canceled, summed up the lawyer.