Viktor Bronuk, who served in the Armed Forces, confessed how he managed to leave the army (video)
In particular, it is known that Viktor Bronyuk joined the ranks of Ukraine's defenders after the start of a full -scale war in Ukraine. Officially, the Armed Forces spent a little over a year. Currently, according to the artist, he no longer serves in the army. The reason for the demobilization of the artist was that Victor Bronuk's father suffered a stroke. Because of this, a man has health problems. He now has a disability group of the first degree.
Due to his father's health, the singer was forced to write off his service to care for him. Viktor Bronyuk stressed that theoretically, he could not go into the army at all, but the situation in the country forced him to do it, so within one year and two months he was among those who defend Ukraine at the front. It is known that he initially joined the 120 brigade of Vinnytsia TRO. Subsequently, Viktor Bronuk served in 171 battalions of 120 Vinnytsia TRO brigade in the Armed Forces.