
Does the Ukrainian army have a resource parity with the army of the Russian Federation: response of the Ministry of Defense (video)

According to Lieutenant General Ivan Havrylyuk, it is too early to speak about resource parity from the Russian Federation, but the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Strategic Industry take all the necessary measures to achieve it as soon as possible. The parity of military resources with the aggressor army in the future will probably take place, but now the resource capabilities of Ukraine and the Russian Federation are different.

Thus, the situation in the military-industrial complex of the country was described by the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Ivan Gavriluk on the air of the Tele scale "Unified News". He emphasized that both the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Strategic Industry are working on increasing the defense-industrial complex of Ukraine and an increase in the production of missiles, ammunition, weapons and military equipment at times.

"It may be too early to speak about parity, because we understand the resource capabilities of the Russian Federation and Ukraine. But we also work on this in accordance with the tasks determined by the Supreme Commander -in -Chief for 2024, we take all measures," Gavriluk said. At the same time, the Deputy Minister has focused on air defense as a pre -visual one today.

"In addition, they are adopted as a result of the production of new samples of weapons of their own production-from conventional portable anti-aircraft missile systems to air defense systems with a range of more than 100 kilometers, such as" Coral M ",-he also added. Ukraine and the United States will hold a defensive industrial defense conference in December in December.

It will be a continuation of the first International DFNC1 Defense Industrial Forum, which took place in September in Kiev and has collected representatives of 252 defense companies from more than 30 countries. Production increase through the creation of joint ventures in the territory of Ukraine. We understand that only through the creation of a powerful defense-industrial complex we will be able to provide all the needs of the Defense Forces of Ukraine, "-said Havrylyuk.