
"Tariffs" for grenades and metal detectors on the streets. How to stop the illegal circulation of weapons in Ukraine

In Ukraine, more and more household conflicts are resolved by explosives. The authorities assure that the most struggling with the flow of weapons in the country, but specific examples indicate the opposite. The focus has understood whether it is possible to hope for a safe life in the rear cities in the future. In Lutsk on the evening of June 7, a man threw a grenade from people, the explosion wounded five people.

Witnesses of the event say the ammunition was throwing a military man who entered into a "road conflict" with a minibus driver. Focus sources in law enforcement have confirmed this version of the event. "They argued and he threw away. There were people, many people were injured," a man named Vladimir told in an interview with "public". Police detained the one who threw the grenade, criminals, rescuers, military and doctors came to the place of the explosion.

The resident of the city Vitaliy saw that two women and a man were hospitalized by emergency medical care. "They say they were traveling and not dividing the road, [on Kovelskaya Street], they began to find out at the traffic light. The White Bus driver beat the military phone. And the military could not stand, threw a grenade," Vitaliy told reporters. Later, police department in the Volyn region identified the offender, he was a 35-year-old resident of Lutsk district.

The attacker threw a grenade on the roadway, and later she was detonated. Criminal proceedings were opened under an article on assassination of premeditated murder and illegal ammunition. For the crime, the detainee threatens from 10 to 15 years of prison or life imprisonment. A large number of such examples confirms the need to prohibit weapons legalization in Ukraine.

There will be nothing but increased violence on the streets, the free circulation of weapons will not bring, the people's deputy from the "servant of the people", a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Law Enforcement Activities Maxim Buzhansky. "The war in Ukraine breaks the borders: what was considered absolutely unacceptable is happening more and more.

The problem with the circulation of weapons and explosives has intensified in general, it is not necessary to blame military-frontovists here,"-says the Focus politician. The authorities, according to him, counteracts the flow of illegal weapons in the country. The Council expects the adoption of a bill that limits the presence of trophy weapons in the population. The document obliges a person who has found or received a weapon to declare. The procedure is promised to make simple and free.

Frames with metal detectors will soon become a normal picture for Ukrainians. They do not block all the streets in the cities, but in stadiums, squares, hospitals and other public places without them can not do, Buzhansky adds. Pomegranates, explosives, plastids and TNT checkers are considered not weapons, but explosives or ammunition. The explosive has never been and will not be open.

Any types of grenades are registered in military warehouses and parts, says the head of the Association of Weapons Owners Georgy Uzkin. Grenades are issued and written off according to official information, each ammunition has its own document. So, if a soldier took with him a grenade from the front line, a criminal case is automatically embarked on an illegal circulation of ammunition.

The Criminal Code of Ukraine for the military has Article 410: abduction, appropriation, extortion of weapons, combat supplies, explosives or other combat substances, means of transportation, military and special equipment or other military property, as well as seizing them through fraud or abuse. The minimum punishment under the article is three years, the maximum is up to 15 years in prison.

"The number of ammunition and explosives in the black market is impossible to imagine, especially to calculate all the stocks. It is necessary to solve the problem comprehensively, but our Parliament is self -escaped. It is worth passing an adequate law on weapons, to give people the right to own all kinds of civilian weapons, to put it on" , - the expert expressed. Explosives, grenade launchers and machine guns are not included in the category of weapons for civilians.

If such weapons are in their hands, the state must buy it. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine could develop tariffs on the bottom of the market. "If we leave everything as it is, we already see the consequences. Give the tariff and people will bear the explosives," - summed up Uzikin. We will remind, in the village of Tsirkuni of Kharkiv district previously a convicted man found in the field arsenal of Russian ammunition and took them.