
They gathered to attack: the expert suggested why so many generals appeared in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

In Russia, the President personally signs a decree to raise to the title of General. The Polish analyst found out what the record number of such increases in 2023, signed by Putin was related. There have always been a lot of generals in the Russian army, and this practice is still being stored.

Considering that in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other security structures promotion to the general are carried out at the discretion of the President, in the current situation of war with Ukraine precisely the general raising in the Russian Federation should be monitored especially carefully. About it writes the observer Yaroslav Tsislak in Defense 24. The author of the publication drew attention to the decree of Vladimir Putin No.

932 of December 6, in which he increased in the titles: there were also an increase outside the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. For example, in Rosgvardia: A in the internal troops: three Lieutenant Generals and four Major Generals of Internal Service. "Determining the number of increases in 2022 is more difficult, because shortly after aggression against Ukraine, the Russians hid some of the information.

At least 81 raises are known, but the real number is probably about 90," the expert writes. According to him, in 2023 there was a record number of increases to high ranks. The reason, Tsislac believes, in the war in Ukraine, as well as in the organizational growth of the Russian army. Meanwhile, the number of death officers of the general rank and those who resigned.

But to find out how many Armed Forces of the Russian Federation they have lost in the war are very problematic, since the Russians do not report to general rises. The expert is wondering if such a generic in the Russian Federation can testify to a new offensive of the invaders in Ukraine? According to him, the possibility of any negotiations on resolving this conflict is zero. "It seems that the Kremlin is still focused on solving the problem of" special military operation.