
Restrictions against Ukrainian exports now is the scaling of destruction caused by Russian terrorists - the Presidential Appeal of Ukraine to participants

Thank you very much! Mr. President Johannis! Thank you for this invitation and for your attention to Ukraine and the opportunity to contact the participants of the Trimor Summit. Dear colleagues! At this time, in our city, Kiliya Odessa region is a city on the Danube shore, literally across the river from Romania - there is a fire extinguishing. Fires that began at night.

After the strike of Russian Shahaneda, it is in that our infrastructure that provides the life of the Ukrainian part of the Black Sea and Danube regions. Actually, it is a fire in the body of our tribal. And such consequences of blows to Kiliy, Rena, in Izmail, Odessa, in other cities, who open the southern gates into the world to Ukraine - such Russian blows are very eloquent. Now Russia is beating in Ukraine.

But what if she succeeded, as before in history, to make Ukraine with her bridgehead? What Putin planned. Unfortunately, what you have seen! Together with the Ukrainian. In the past. In the past, which, unfortunately, has become a time of captivity, because in key moments there was no solidarity. February 24 changed everything. Europe, we have all been able to prove that we are capable of historical manifestations of solidarity.

And now, when Ukraine is grateful to your countries, grateful to you personally for their support is the gratitude we feel. We! And this is a very wide "we", which contains not only Ukrainians and Ukrainian women, but also your peoples too. We stand together. Our common freedom. Our common European House. A home in which people have learned to rely not on the strength of the walls, but on the strength of the connections, not on what can be restricted, but on what can be spread.

Collaboration gives more protection and strength than any self-employment. But have we learned exactly? This format of cooperation is called trimor, not "three -step" or "five -stream". This format is about unification, not division. Like all other formats that strengthen our peoples.

So why, when our Ukrainian ports are burning almost every night after Russian blows, we are also forced to worry that our land logistics will stop? When politics in Europe contradicts the essence and ignores common obligations and common values ​​. . . When it happens in the midst of cruel aggression against everything that is European, everyone loses from it. Everyone! And only time is separated from when the consequences of such a losing manifest.

Ukraine is strongly opposed to any further restrictions on the export of our grain! We are quietly looking at how our grain becomes a source of good earnings for different countries in Europe, which process our agricultural products and make money on logistics. Farmers from different countries use Ukrainian feed to the benefits of their farms. Companies in different countries make transit. And this is a benefit for the entire European economy.

But specifically for the Ukrainian segment of the European economy it is not about earnings, but about survival in the conditions of Russian terror. Only today and only one Russian shelling killed at least 16 people in Konstantinovka - a small town in Donetsk region. More than 20 people - the information as of now - were injured. Ordinary shops, the city market became a target. Please do not target Ukraine in economic or political terms. I now turn to you, friends, partners, colleagues . . . To you, Mr.

President Romania. To you, Ms. Vice Prime Minister Bulgaria. To you, Ms. President of Slovakia. To you, Mr. President of Poland. To you, Mrs. President of Hungary. To you, Ms. President of Moldova. The freedom of our agrarian export depends on anyone on whom one way or another depends. Any restrictions on Ukrainian exports now is the scale of the destruction that Russian terrorists are caused by Russian terrorists. Exactly. I want to contact the European Commission separately.

The basis of Europe is, in particular, free competition and promises. Ukraine fulfills its promises and never interferes with free competition. But as we will not calmly perceive the violation of our promises, violations of the Association Agreement, violation of the free market . . . European institutions should not multiply disappointment in Europe. And they should increase the confidence in the words and promises that sound in Europe.

Ukraine is fighting for life and our European values ​​in the battlefield. Fights at sea and on land. Fights in the air. In cyberspace. In the information environment. In the sphere of commerce. But if we need to fight for Ukraine and the foundations of our common Europe in arbitrations, we will fight in arbitrations, though we do not want it. If we need to fight at the sites of international organizations, we will fight there . . . But we look forward to unity, and we know that unity will win.