
Girkin's terrorist for the first time personally commented on his detention in Crimea

The ex-Colonel of the FSB hinted that he has not yet succeeded. The former leader of pro-Russian fighters Igor Srilkov-Girkin responded to the news about his detention in the Crimea. As the Russian media wrote earlier, he tried to get into the territory controlled by Ukraine on a fake passport, for which he even changed his appearance, collapsing his mustache. In his Telegram-channel Strelkov-Girkin was short-lived.

First of all, he noted that he was not going to comment on the ironic reaction of Igor Bezler's fighter, who called him "loss" and "rescuer of Russia", and the attempt of Girkin to change the appearance to get into Ukraine according to fake documents, commented on a quotation from the Soviet film: "Durik, you, you Why did the mustache he agree? Former head of pro-Russian fighters on a temporarily occupied Donbass stated that he was not placed in the CPP, but here he plans to get to the war, it was simply not time.

As I warned in advance, it will be long and heavy). But not right now, " - wrote the fighter on Telegram. Recall that in the recent air with journalist Mark Feigin, the adviser to the chairman Alexey Arestovich reported that according to preliminary information, Terrorist Girkina was missed to the Kherson region. It is likely that Strelkova-Girkin will soon find somewhere under Snigurovka.

Feigin, in turn, suggested that Girkin should head the defense in the Kherson region and then the counter-offensive about raising the morale of Russian invaders in Ukraine. Focus wrote earlier that Igor Strelkov-Girkin praised Ukrainian artillery for the accuracy destroys the most important objects of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the front line.