
An industrial -scale slaughterhouse: if the Russian Federation captures Avdiivka, the US will be responsible - Telegraph

According to journalists, lack of military assistance from the event led to a catastrophic shortage of artillery ammunition. Despite the great losses, the forces of the Russian Federation are approaching the admiration of Avdiivka. The lack of military assistance from the West weakened the defense of the city. About it writes the edition of The Telegraph. According to journalists, major losses in Avdiivka have become regular for Russian troops.

British intelligence estimates that about 1000 Russian soldiers are killed or injured there, making the city one of the "most expensive" fields of battles of a full -scale war. The publication writes that last week the Russian troops reached the destroyed outskirts of the city. According to the Ukrainian military, lack of military assistance from the West led to a catastrophic shortage of artillery ammunition.

Yes, in the summer of 2023, both sides of the conflict used artillery approximately equal. However, now the situation has changed in favor of the Russian Federation. "A general feeling is that if Avdiivka falls, it will be a guilt of America," Glen Grant said, the former UK attaché in the Baltic States and the former adviser to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. According to him, the delays of assistance were too large.

The Defense forces of Ukraine ends "all", and the EU has not yet been able to establish its military industry to compensate for the loss of assistance from the US. The material says that initially the assault of Avdiivka was a catastrophe for Russian troops. The invaders' armored vehicles had to go through the territory that had already been prepared for Ukrainian artillery strikes. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation lost more than 200 cars in the first two months.

But later the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation went to "meat storms", but they did not lead to the expected result. Then, as reported, the Russians restored the pace of offensive actions using drones that are equipped with night vision cameras. The journalists called the battle for Avdiivka "Proxide of Industrial Scale".