
Most Russians support the war in Ukraine and are ready to believe Putin's words - WP

According to journalists, most Russians equate Putin's interests to the interests of the nation. They tend to support the war, even if they consider it harmful. Although the Russians are tired of war in Ukraine, they are ready to continue it. According to the majority, the price for "new" territories is so high that they cannot be abandoned. About it writes Washington Post, with reference to a survey of the focus groups of the Russian Eurasian Center Carnegie and Levada Center.

According to journalists, the head of the Kremlin Vladimir Putin is ready to run for a thoughtful election in March 2024. The Russians did not rebel against him. According to the report, 68% of Russians support the continuation of the war against Ukraine, 22% strongly opposed the ceasefire in all circumstances. About 20% strongly oppose the war. In addition, according to the material, 72% support peace talks, but only 19% are ready to make concessions to Ukraine to reach peace.

It is reported that the strongest support for the war comes from a motivated and loud minority - elderly, militaristic men who tend to refer to Russian propaganda about the need to "fight Ukrainian Nazis. " The publication writes that the decisive factor is the obedient centrist group of Russians who do not support the war, but believe that it is necessary to be loyal to power and the president.

At the same time, according to the report, 41% of Russians believe that the war did more harm than benefits, and 38% hold the opposite point of view. At the same time, most Russians equate Putin's political interests to the interests of the nation in general and tend to support the war, even if they consider it harmful. Earlier it was reported that Putin in 2024 will spend a third budget of the Russian Federation for war.