
The Russians were harvested on the "Mavik" for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Kursk region, and they were fooled on the Armed Forces: how it happened (video)

On August 9, the Two Major Telegrams announced the collection of 7 "Maviikiv" for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Kursk direction. After that, the Fund was contacted by UAV sellers and convinced that they would be able to deliver "Mother", but only with prepayment. In Russia, the subscribers of the Z-Telegram-channel "Two Majories" themselves, without knowing, were satisfied with the Armed Forces.

They raised funds for the needs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Kursk region, and their money was spent on the needs of the Armed Forces. This was reported in the local telegram-channel "Khdnipro". It is noted that on August 9, the Two Major Telegram channel announced a gathering for Russian soldiers who are in the Kursk direction. In particular, it was planned to buy 7 "Mavikiv" for a total amount of 1 ml of 800 thousand rubles.

After that, the Fund was contacted by UAV sellers and convinced that they would be able to deliver "Mother", but only with prepayment. On August 13, the head of the BF "Two Major" transferred 999 990 rubles to the expense of the fictitious firm of LLC "DJII ARS Rus". Special operations for the involvement of "foreign investments" for the needs of the Armed Forces in the amount of almost 1 million Russian rubles were conducted by "Dniprovsky Office".

Already on August 20, one of the units of the Armed Forces appealed to the "two majors" for the purchased equipment. In addition to the video on the social network other evidence of the detachment with Russian Donati. "We express our gratitude to the Two Major Telegrams for the purchase of equipment for our unit. We also want to thank the Dnipro centers for the transfer of funds for the purchase of equipment," one of the fighters said.

In the Two Major's Telegrams, they denied that they had financed the needs of the Armed Forces, and stated that the widespread information was allegedly fake. "There was a tsipso attack. There were no such amounts for payment. There were much bigger ones. The audit from the state will check," the statement said. Also "two major" were offended by other military bloggers of the Russian Federation, which spread information about the funds raised for the Armed Forces.