Morning false-attack of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: the NSDC explained the motives of the Russians
This can testify to several things, as the head of the Center for Anti-misinformation (CPD) at the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) Andrey Kovalenko wrote in his Telegram-channel. According to him, the Russians are all ready for massed shelling of peaceful cities of Ukraine, as he said earlier. The opponent's rockets is also enough to make terror. "They (rockets, ed. ) Are accumulated at strategic aviation aerodromes. Aviation is also ready.
Working on the Russians with imitation tactics is also part of the aviation support for action," Andrey Kovalenko wrote. Separately, the CPD leader added that such an aggressor tactic can be used for psychological pressure. We will remind, on November 11 it was reported that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation raised into the air bombers Tu-95, but "changed" to attack Ukrainian cities.