
Withdrawal of troops or surrender: in ISW ​​compared the peace plan of Ukraine and

American analysts say that the official Kiev plan is to promote peace based on international law, including the laws of which the Russian Federation is a participant. Ukraine continues to demonstrate a willingness to negotiate with Russia on its own conditions, and its requirements of Ukraine for peaceful settlement meet international law-in direct contradiction with the unwillingness of Russia to participate in negotiations that end with anything other than the complete surrender of Ukraine.

This was stated by analysts and experts of the Institute of War Study in their new report. They also noted that Russia is adamant in negotiations with Ukraine, and Kremlin officials explicitly stated that Russia would not participate in the second peaceful summit, since its conditions are impossible in view of Russia's demands. About it reports ISW, analyzing the Ukrainian and Russian requirements of the peace plan.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky stated on July 15 that the Ukrainian plans for holding the second peaceful summit should be ready by November 2024, and repeated that the Russian representative should participate in it.

Zelensky stated that as part of the preparation, Ukraine would meet in Qatar on Energy Security at the end of July or early August 2024, a meeting on the freedom of navigation in Turkey in August 2024 and a meeting on the exchange of prisoners of war and repatriation of deported Ukrainian children in Canada in Canada. September 2024 - three questions that focused on the communique of the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland in June 2024.

However, the Official Kremlin stated that Russia would not participate in the second peace summit, since its conditions are impossible in view of the requirements of Russia. And the Russian Federation demands that Ukraine capitulate, and its lands remain occupied, which is a violation of the international plan. It is emphasized that the peace plan of official Kiev is the promotion of peace based on international law, including the laws of which the Russian Federation is a participant.

The requirements of Ukraine to fully remove its troops from the Ukrainian territory, provided for international law and therefore substantiated. ISW also continues to evaluate that Putin's requirements for Ukraine's surrender will enable Russian troops and occupation administrations to continue their large -scale and deliberate campaigns of ethnic cleaning in occupied Ukraine, and the complete restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity is necessary for the liberation of the Ukrainian people.