
"Bee" remained dissatisfied: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation received a new drone- "uterus" to reset FPV (video)

The new invaders' apparatus can increase the range of UAV-Kamikazde for strokes on artillery and ZRK in the rear. The previous "dronoma" under the name "Bee" in the Russian Federation was found ineffective. The armed forces of the Russian Federation began to use new drones of uterus, which can carry FPV-arose, thus increasing their range. About it writes Russian media Mash. It is reported that the uterine uterine is attached to the drones-Kamikadze with the management of "from the first person".

Having reached the desired point, the FPV drones are removed and can attack the rear objects, including artillery and anti-aircraft missile complexes. If the goal for the attack is not found, the device may return. UAV-"uterus" also has an option of vertical takeoff and planting. Judging by a photo published on the network, it is a UAV of aircraft type. The Russians also posted a video of the moment of removal of Dron-Kamikadze from the uterus. The name of the new device is not disclosed.

The personnel commented on the Defense Express military portal, noting that Dronomatka is not yet common in the battlefield, but it is necessary to monitor the activity of the occupiers in this area. The mentioned device is not the first carrier of drones in the arms of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Previously, the Russians also showed a "dronoma" called "Bee", but in the Russian Federation it was found ineffective.

Thus, Dmitry Kuzyakin, the CEO of the Center for Complex Unmanned decisions (CCBD), in an interview with RIA News stated that the use of "Bee" in the war "complicated" due to a number of shortcomings of the apparatus. According to him, the UAV is too overall, it is difficult to deliver it to the start, deploy and prepare for flight. The Russian "drone" flies high and slowly, so it is a "perfect goal".

In addition, the destruction of such a drone means the loss of all the FPV-threads attached to it. "The uterus" drones will be effective only when it can fly at high speed and as low as usual FPV devices, for this purpose the developers will have to study all the previous unsuccessful experience of colleagues ",-summed up Dmitry Kuzyakin. Recall the use of UAV" The Beast "In Ukraine, Russian invaders were reported in April 2024.