
Ukraine needs to defeat the powerful treatment of Russia to liberate more territories - CNN

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation created a powerful line of defense, using not only physical fortifications, but also the systems of HR, such as "Field-21". They interfere with Himars and Excalibur accurately impress goals. Ukraine seeks to catch up with Russia in the field of radio electronic struggle and, at the same time, destroys Russian complexes on the battlefield to weaken and gain an advantage. Details from the forefront were learned by journalists of the American TV channel CNN.

Radio -electronic fight or abbreviated (HRB) involves the use of technology and tactics using electromagnetic fields. For example, in the war in Ukraine, both sides actively use "gluthers" that suppress GPS dread and rocket systems, forcing them to miss them for purposes.

After almost six months of the counter -offensive of the Ukrainian army, it became clear that Russia had created not only physical fortifications, but also a powerful electronic defense, which greatly prevents the troops from liberating the occupied territories.

And in early November, the commander of the UAV department of the 59th Motorized Rifle Brigade Pavel Petrychenko posted a video on which the drone bomber blew up the grenades of the antenna antenna of the Russian complex of the ROB "Field-21" on the roof of a multi-apartment building in Donetsk-12 km from the line of collision. In the CNN comment, Pavel Petrychenko stated that the forces of Ukraine's defense need to destroy the fields "Field-21" in order to liberate more.

Ukrainian troops do this quite successfully, as evidenced by videos of other blows. The military hopes that such videos will become much more, and they will help other operators identify Russian antennas for their further destruction. "At the beginning of the conflict, they used radio electronic struggle to interfere with our communication, our radios, radios, phones and drones.

But when we started to receive foreign equipment, they began to use these systems to suppress our weapons," Paul said Petrichenko. He added that the Himars volley fire system and the high -precision artillery shells of Excalibur 155 use the GPS satellite system, and Russia prevents them from striking. Then the Russians turned the advantage of "smart" managed weapons given to Ukraine by Western partners into vulnerability.

In his recent essay, the Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny noted that the Russian systems have significantly reduced the capabilities of Excalibur shells, since their guidance system "is very sensitive to the effects of enemy radio electronic struggle. " In addition, the Ukrainian General declared mass production in the Russian Federation "trenches" of the complexes of the REB.

According to him, the invaders retain a great advantage in the radio electronic fight, despite the loss of equipment. The field "Field-21" is only one element of the Russian EW, and Moscow increases its arsenal. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation use the technologies of creation of radio -electronic interference and "purulent" - the replacement of GPS signals when enemy drone or rocket is forced to incorrectly determine their location and think that they are elsewhere.

They also interfere with the work of radars, radio and even mobile phones. There are also good news - Pentagon Representative Major Charlie Ditz said that Russian obstacles have not made "ineffective" high -precision systems provided by Ukraine by the US Army, including Himars missile units.

According to the US military, the Ministry of Defense has taken the necessary measures to modify the systems and reduce their vulnerability, and the renewal is implemented as soon as possible to counteract the IEP of Russia. Ukrainian experts also do not stand still. Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mikhail Fedorov told CNN that Ukraine increases the production of HITs and generally changes the approach to their use.

This involves the rational equipment of the Armed Forces with new equipment where it is most necessary. In particular, the Ministry of Defense supports the development of remotely managed IU systems, which will be able to suppress only the enemy's equipment without affecting their own, otherwise there is a risk that Ukrainian drones will fall under their influence.

At the same time, says Mikhail Fedorov, Ukraine needs to get a system that will allow drones to massively impress the means of RB of Russia. This will change the rules of the game and greatly simplify the work of Ukrainian UAV operators. "There are all the technologies we need in the West. The question may be how to use it, and this is an important question. We need to think about the next technological stage of the war," the minister emphasized.