
Without Ukraine's support, the following generations are much more expensive for the victory of the Russian Federation - Borrel

The EU Chief Diplomat believes that Ukraine's support should continue as much as it is needed. Ukraine's support from the European Union should continue as the victory in the Russian war will cost much more in the future. About this on April 10, speaking at the plenary session of the European Parliament, said the high representative of the EU Josep Borrel.

In particular, he stressed that Ukraine has already received from the European Union and members of the "large enough amount" - 96 billion euros. Of these, 31 billion, according to the diplomat, is military support. "Some may say," Oh, it is very expensive - to support Ukraine. "Do not support Ukraine and allow it to fall before Russian aggression will be much more expensive for us and for future generations, because Russia will be a greater threat to our safety and freedom,", He said.

Borrel also added that the European Union should continue the support of Ukraine "as much as it will be needed", attracting all available resources, both military and financial. The assistance of the EU of Kiev should continue not only because it is a neighbor, but also one of the largest partners of the European Union, as well as a candidate for membership in the block, the diplomat said.

"And its independence, its sovereignty, its territorial integrity is also part of our ability to continue to live in freedom," Josep Borrel emphasized. On March 22, commenting on a massive rocket attack of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, the head of EU Diplomacy Josep Borrel said that it is necessary to stop these actions and to hold all those involved. In addition, on March 19, Borrel spoke for the transfer of 99% of all frozen assets of Russia for the purchase of weapons for Ukraine.