
We will establish the persons

Ukrainians, Ukrainians! Today, several of our cities should be celebrated by their days - the days of the city. In particular, in Kherson and Berdyansk, which are still under the control of the occupiers. Yet. Whatever the forces of the occupiers spend on them, no matter what they say there, our Kherson and our Berdyansk have not lost their Ukrainian soul for a minute, they did not lose faith in Ukraine for a minute. And for a minute we do not forget about them and we will definitely return.

Just like the Kyiv region, Chernihiv and Sumy region, just like Kharkiv region now, we will liberate other areas, all of our land. Everywhere where Ukraine is, there will be our flag, and nowhere there will be this atrocity - Rashism, which repeats what the Nazis did. They do not make soap from people, do not make lampshades from the skin . . . Scale is not all Europe . . . But the principle is the same. Camps where people collect people to kill. Deportation.

The burned cities and villages, destroyed completely - nothing remains alive after rashism. Rocket terror. Mass burials. Torture. The most severe bullying of still living people. And the boundless, unbridled hatred with which they justify the war they started. Today, exhumation work continued in the Kharkiv region on the site of the mass burial found. Body examinations are conducted. New evidence of torture that was applied against the people who were buried there.

More than ten tortures have been found in the liberated areas of Kharkiv region - in different cities and towns. When the invaders escaped, they also threw away the mockery devices. Even at the ordinary station of the Cossack Lopani found a torture room, found tools for torture. It's just a train station! Torture was a widespread practice in the occupied territory. So the Nazis did. That's what the racists do. And they will respond in the same way - both on the battlefield and in the courtroom.

We will establish all the personalities of those who tortured, who was bullied, who brought this atrocity from Russia here, to our Ukrainian land. The situation on the forefront for the past 24 hours has not undergone significant changes. The Armed Forces of Ukraine, the units of our intelligence, the SBU, the National Guard gradually, step by step displace the invaders from our land.

But it still takes time, efforts are still needed, you still need to be fully focused on defense and maintain all our strength. Many of the Russian soldiers have already realized that they have no chance in Ukraine that they would be broken. The smartest of the Russian military is captured, and we guarantee them the respect of all rights according to the conventions. And we will continue to press so that all the occupiers understand it. We will beat them stronger than they were beaten before.

I thank all our soldiers - from commanders to ordinary! Thank you to everyone who helps our defense! I thank all the partners who support the investigation of the occupiers' crimes and work with us to bring Russia to justice for this war and the consequences that it brought! And thank you all who help restore normal life after our heroes liberate our land! Now the liberated areas of Kharkiv region can finally live - products, medicines are being sent, energy supplies are returned, pensions have been brought, we restore the work of transport, railway.