
Supports war in Ukraine: Putin met with Syrian dictator Bashar Assad

The Kremlin has already stated that the meeting had taken place without signing any documents. Russian President Vladimir Putin met with the Kremlin with Syria President Bashar Assad, who came to Russia. Assad earlier stated that Russians and Ukrainians are brotherly peoples, and the Russian Federation "would surely win". About it writes Interfax. ru. The dictators met on the evening of July 24 in the Kremlin.

Assad was reported that he wanted to discuss possible prospects and scenarios for developments in the world and the Eurasian region. "Given all the events that take place today in the world in general in the Eurasian region, our meeting today seems very important for discussing all the details of the development of these events, to discuss possible prospects and scenarios," he said.

According to Assad, his visit to Russia coincides with the anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between countries, which for decades "have passed very difficult trials", but maintained "trust level", which, according to Assad, is an indicator of "maturity of our peoples". They also discussed bilateral trade and economic relations, in which, according to Putin, there are many promising areas.

" Later on the same day, Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated that the meeting had taken place without signing the documents. Before that, Putin and Assad met in the Kremlin on March 15, 2023, their negotiations lasted three hours.

Then Assad, which came to power through military assistance of the Russian Federation and almost complete destruction of the country, stated that his country recognizes "new borders of Russia", referring to the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhya regions. And he repeated the propaganda thesis that the Ukrainian south was "handed over to Ukraine about 100 years ago in the time of Lenin", but there "Russian citizens live" there, so it is "Russian land".