
"Novocherkassk" destroyed Western missiles and the occupiers have no safe place in Crimea - the SBU expert (video)

The Russian fleet is now hiding in Novorossiysk and Sukhumi. However, local bays are unsuccessful for warships and can be affected by a storm, says Major General of the Security Service of Ukraine, national security expert Viktor Yugan. On the ship of the Novocherkassk Black Sea Fleet, which was destroyed by the Defense forces of Ukraine, there was probably everything for military cargo, but not a thousand Shahmed.

Although their theoretical availability can be checked by the number of future raids on Ukraine. If the ship had a party of Dronov-Kamikadze, then the launches of these drones by occupied Crimea diminishes. This was stated in an interview with Focus by a military and public figure, Major-General of the Security Service of Ukraine, national security expert Viktor Yugan. According to the expert, now there is simply no dangerous place on the invaders in the Crimea.

This enemy ship was destroyed with the help of Western missiles and our aviation, which, incidentally, did not take the distance of the Russian air defense systems and successfully hit the vessel from afar. "It was a very complicated and painstaking operation," said Major General of the Reserve. "" Despite the first strike of the Armed Forces in the Crimea, Victor Yugan does not believe that it will lead to some rebellion of sailors, as it was in 1917.

According to him, Russian sailors have long no longer had that perseverance and today they are ready to die for "buns" from power, hoping that someone else will perish instead. Due to the successful blows of the Armed Forces on the Navy of the invaders, the Russians had to pull their ships to Novorossiysk and to a base in Sukhum, the expert says.

But because of the capture of Crimea, Russia did not start building anything there, as it would be necessary to do after the lease in 2017 in 2017, the Russian Black Sea Flea should leave the Ukrainian territories. Novorossiysk and Sukhumi ports are not unsuccessful in long-standing warships of this class, because because of storms in unstressed ports they can be seriously damaged, notes Major General of the SBU.

Victor Yugan emphasizes that bays in these places of open type, so storm waves will easily get to warships. "Usually warships are put to each other, unlike trading vessels," the specialist says. "So now the Russians are doing their best to arrange these bays somehow. " Earlier, Focus reported that the occupiers in the Crimea are currently raid and are looking for informants who could hand over the coordinates of the Novocherkassk ship.