"We cannot send the whole nation to the front": a military man spoke about the mobilization of 18-year-old
The senior lieutenant, an officer of the operational planning section with the battalion of Svoboda, Andrei Kryvushchenko with the Brody, Borodyulyu, said this in the ether of Kyiv24. "When it comes to keeping a nation, we cannot send the whole nation to the front, so that we do not remain who we protect, whom we need to save," Krivushchenko said. He explained that the content of the struggle is not only to fight and not lose Ukrainian territories, but also in the preservation of the nation.
In addition, the serviceman stressed that after the victory will need to rebuild Ukraine. "This will also require young light heads who will be studied, which will be studied, will become specialists, and will be effective after such superfluous over 10 years of struggle for our independence to raise our country from the knees. To rebuild both the economic and social sides of our country.