
The Russian Federation can attack the Kyiv region, as well as risks to break through the Suvenian corridor - the hetman (video)

From the Belarusians, the Russian Federation wants to make "meat power", which will be controlled by Russian commanders. The Kremlin wants to check how NATO's Fifth Article works, says Alexei Hetman Major. If the Western partners, above all the US, will not supply the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces in the required quantity, then Ukraine will have to keep defense in big cities. The same applies to delaying mobilization to the Armed Forces.

This means that the front line will cease to exist, and now the situation with the number of shells and the number of fighters is worse than it was February 24, 2022. Alexei Hetman's major and a participant of the Russo-Ukrainian War told this in an interview with focus. According to him, all the most motivated Ukrainians who have participated since the anti -terrorist operation have long been fighting on the front almost without rotation.

If there is no mobilization, Ukraine will have to defend in large cities, which will lead to the appearance of individual sections of tension in metropolitan areas. "Still, a shortage of shells is a more acute problem, because you can keep defense less than the fighters," the hetman says. "I would share the shortage of fighters and a lack of shells in a ratio of 45% by 55%. " After the Bakhmut Fortress and the Avdiivka fortress, Kyiv can become the next such city, says the military.

In his opinion, the invaders have already prepared tens of thousands of "Wagnerians" on the border of Belarus and equip places for the deployment of the Russian army. "I think they will try to attack the Kyiv region, Sumy and Chernihiv," Hetman notes. "Even provocations on the border with the Baltic States and attempts to break the so -called Silent Corridor to Kaliningrad are possible.

" And although the army of Belarus did not interfere with the war, but did it more cunning, says the reserve major. Belarusian fighters have been trained in the Russian Federation, and representatives of the Russian army have long been entrusted into the army of Belarus and are constantly reminiscent of the CPU block and responsibility to it. Most likely, they plan to make "meat force" from Belarusian "the Russian commanders will be.

According to Major of the Reserve, even Lukashenko had already dressed the uniform and at a meeting with his military said that the great war would not be avoided. This is also said by the Swedes, who now teach children to urgently hide in bomb shelters, and the Baltic countries have long been beating on an outbreak.

According to the military, there are no problems for the Russian Federation to open the second front without capturing Ukraine, since the forces of the Baltic Army countries cannot be compared to the Armed Forces. Moreover, according to the hetman, the Kremlin is very interesting to see how NATO will deals with the so-called "fifth article" on the joint protection of the Alliance countries. "Imagine the situation that the Russian invaders have captured Tallin.