
It will be very painful: as sanctions against the Moscow exchange will hit Russia, China and India

The US sanctions against Mosbirgi is a demonstrative disruption of the last fig letter of normality from Russia, writes economist Roman Sulzhik, which is extremely complicated by the normal functioning of the aggressor country and cuts off even the closest partners from it. The US sanctions on Mosburge is a demonstrative disruption of the last fig letter of normality from Russia.

Unlike all Sberians and VTBs, which were always simply corruption washing, Mosburge was more or less normal, Western corporation. It was the last bridge through which foreign customers could carry out some transactions with the Russians and pretend that everything is fine. And the inhabitants of Mordor, mostly physics, could feel a part of civilization, trading on a exchange where there are foreigners. From now on, this will not be possible.

Unfortunately, the effect of these sanctions cannot be exaggerated. To understand, the EU has imposed its sanctions and disconnected them from the euro in the first weeks of the war. This is not that Russia from tomorrow will not be able to earn from oil and buy components for missiles.

They have made hundreds of companies around the world in advance, which are recorded on all pounds or oligarchs, and these companies are deposited from the sale of oil - and they are already directly buying circuits or any equipment for production of shells and sent to Russia. Well, just in the world there are a lot of greedy… I sat down who are ready to continue making Russian money and help them kill Ukrainians.

But with new sanctions, even Hindus and Chinese will be harder to be customers of the exchange and exchange their Yuan and Rupees - because there will be a risk of recycling lists. As it will develop, we will see in the next months, but what is very painful, I have no doubt. But there are still interesting nuances. The situation can change for Europeanar, which all this time tried to go between droplets and made a desperate opposition to the conflict of assets of Russia.

They had a depository link with Mosbirzh, which was cut off at the beginning of the war, and there are also suspended many rubles and other assets belonging to Euroclear clients for tens of billions of dollars. After the US sanctions, these assets can be confiscated by Putin, which will open the path to confiscation of assets by Europeanar. I still heard about plans when they made this depository link that Mosbirie would have a Wroclear share, and they will take a share of the exchange.

I can not find any mentions about it in the news, maybe it was not realized, but it was because of the EuroClear connection with the dream that we made our depository link not with them, but with Clearstream. To complete, this is a great step, but you have to take much more. All public companies should be forced to report to investors about how many taxes they continue to pay in Russia. Special taxes for all trade with Russia should be imposed and sucking $ 10-20 billion a year.

It is necessary to allow Western corporations to evaluate their losses from exit from Russia and to compensate them in parallel or after reparations - the same, to make Western business our allies in the direction of knocking out funds from Russia. The battle on the economic front is ongoing, and the United States has struck. I am sure not the last. We stock up on popcorn and enjoy the voy in the swamps. The author expresses a personal opinion that may not coincide with the editorial position.